Chapter 15: Abracadabra

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I arrived home still worrying about David. Dad wasn't home and I sighed and plopped down on the couch. I tsk-tsked a little and after a couple moments Lucy came bounding in and leaped onto my lap. "Hiya pretty Lucy-Furr!" I smiled and scratched her gently behind the ears. "Lucy, what do you think about David's dad?" She hissed immediately. "What do you think about David?" She purred happily.

I got up and fed the cat, then I went to my room. I got some fresh clothes and went into the bathroom. After I took the clothes I was wearing off and turned the shower on I waited for the water to heat up. I pondered about Day for a little bit and then felt pity for him. I showered and put my clothes on.

As I lay down to sleep my last thought was 'damn we just can't catch a break.'

The next day I hung out with David at my house. We were watching Back to the Future II but let's just say I wasn't paying attention to the movie. I was peeking at David who was munching on a bowl of chocolate candy.
I had healed the bruise on David's face and legs before I dropped him off last night.

I took the bowl from David and put it down on the coffee table. "Wha-" David started but I kissed him. He kissed me back. I slid my hands to his waist which was firm from football training. I felt him slipping one of his hands up to the back of my head to rake it through my hair.

I kissed him harder and slipped a little tongue in. I slowly pushed him into a half lying down position when I heard the doorknob rattle behind me. Dad was home. I felt my face flush and I pulled away from David quickly. He sat up and grabbed the chocolate and stuffed some in his mouth.

I mouthed 'sorry I went a little far' to David and he swallowed and with a devious grin mouthed 'yeah you did' back. I felt my face turn as red as a tomato and I looked away and back to Marty Mcfly on the television, as he was standing at the edge of a building while future Biff pointed a gun at him.

Dad finally managed to open the door and he smiled at me "Hey there son! Oh, hello David, how are you?" David said he was fine and I bounced up to hug Dad. "Hey old man, how was work?" He tousled my hair, messing it up even more. "Great! Lucy asked me on a date for tommorow night, so I am going to go with her to the movies." Lucy mewed and Dad said "No, I mean human Lucy, pretty kitty." He then scooped the cat up to hug her. She purred happily.

I smiled and turned to David and saw he looked a little sad. "You okay Day?" I asked him quietly. He nodded, smiling. I heard a car door slam outside and Mr. Miller started yelling "DAVID GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" David looked and jumped up. "COMING DAD!" He bellowed back and he hugged me, and when Dad looked out the window, he kissed me on the cheek and mimiced a 'call me' sign.

I nodded and waved and then David high fived my Dad before bolting out of the house. I saw Mr. Miller slam the car door and drive off. Dad mumbled 'poor kid' to himself and then he put some pizza bagels in the oven

"Dad? Does David's father hate him?" I blurted out, suprised that I said that. Dad looked like he was thinking and then walked over to the couch and sat down next to me. "Well son... Parents show love in different ways. I believe William may just love his son in a tough way." Dad stated slowly.

As I thought about how David's dad hit him, I winced. I was unsure about Dad's theory, but it was better than a father who never tells his son he loves him and hit him. Well hopefully Day would talk to his dad about it and they would make up and hug or some shit like that.


As I sat at the table, twiddling my thumbs, I was practicing what I would say to my father. Hey Dad, I was wondering if you love me? No... Hey Dad, I love you... No... Hey Dad, fuck you! Definitely not. Maybe I'll improvise as I go. I stood up and took a deep breath. I walked slowly into the living room where Dad was watching the preview for the game on Sunday.

I sat down across from Dad and cleared my throat. Dad looked at me skeptically. "Dad, I want you to know I love you. I know you never say it to me, but I want you to know. No matter what you do, I'll always love you." I then stood up and walked over to Dad, and hugged him tightly. He shoved me away. "Only sisses hug people champ."

I took a step back and put my hands behind my bag. He looked back at the television. I waited a minute and he continued ignoring me. I walked over and turned the TV off. Dad stood up angerliy and he demanded me to turn the TV back on.

"Dad it was just the preview channel for Family Ties and I know you hate that show." (I always liked family ties, Alex P. Keaton was hot as hell.) Dad apparently disagreed and started bellowing at me. He called me a dissapointment, a mistake, and a whore. He grabbed me and was about to slap me, but I trucked on and ignored it all.

"Dad! I'll turn it back on in a second! I wanted to know if you love me!" Dad stopped yelling and froze. He lowered his hands and took a step back. "I told you I love you Dad, do you love me back?" I questioned slowly. Dad just glared at me and said I was going to my mother's house for a bit. I wanted to go, but I also wanted an answer.

"Dad, answer my question! Mom told me she loves me, Brenda told me she loves me, even Linda said she loves me, but you?! You never say I love you or talk to me. You just ask about how football was, if I scored, if I have a girlfriend, if I did my homework, if I can bring you a beer or do chores, but you never, and I don't think you have EVER told me you love me! So Dad, please stop avoiding the question!"

Dad approached me and stooped down to my level. "No. I don't love you. You are off to me David. I believe you are in love with that Campbell boy, and no matter how long it takes I will find out. You can't hide anything from me. I will never love you until you prove that boy and you aren't snogging each other."

I looked tearfully at Dad and looked at the ground. He tilted my head back up. "What you say next is going to affect you permanently. Are you and that boy in love?"

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