Chapter 31: Pity Party

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It's not everyday you go outside to tend to your gardens, and instead of rain falling on you, a teenage boy does. Well it happened today. Jackson face planted into my arms, and I dropped him, startled, my flower pots shattering. Jackson looked up at me, and his face went ashy, and his eyes widened.

"Harry! Uh... Er..." Jackson straightened up, mumbling incoherently to himself, words fading to nothing. I looked at the teen as he stared at the grass, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Honestly, I felt pretty awkward too. What was I going to say to him? Was I going to try to get Jack to trust me again? Or maybe pretend this never happened?

An audible gasp came from my son's window, and when I looked up I saw not only Exer and Pamela, but ALSO David! How did these children get into my household?! And did Jackson jump or fall?! Did he and David enter through the window? Did he slip or did he attempt to..? I don't think so.

I think he knew what I was thinking because he glanced up at me and glanced back down, apparently eye contact was not his thing when he was visibly uncomfortable, which is the same as most of my clients, although this one isn't anymore.

"I didn't want to climb down, so I jumped. I wouldn't have met... my fatality by jumping from there. And I wouldn't want to even so. I love my life. Or at least tolerate it when I don't have nightmares of my mom- err, nevermind. Moral of the story, I was lazy, and it's an eleven foot fall at most. Minus however many it took to catch me. So it wouldn't have been that bad. And plus I know how to land where I don't get hurt, it's like a roll thingy-"

Jackson was ranting at this point so I raised a gloved finger, silencing him.
"Jack, you're ranting again. Do you want to go inside and talk about it?" I asked softly, as if I was talking to a scared kitten that would run away if you spoke too loud or got too close.

But Jackson shook his head no as I was halfway through my sentence, gave an awkward look, and bolted off.
"Jackson! Wait!" I called but to no avail. Damn that kid can really run.
I looked back up and saw my son, Pamela, and David.

"Miller, how did you get up there?"

Oh god that was close. Luckily, I have the speed of a cheetah on steroids and bolted away. As I ran across the sidewalk, I heard a faint call from Harry. After what felt like hours of running but in reality was probably a minute or two, I barrelled into someone.

The person gave a yelp, and so did I. I landed on my back with a gritty noise against the sidewalk. I sat up gingerly and looked at who I hit. It was Jolie. She looked like she was about to yell at me when she noticed my expression.

"Jackson, what's wrong?" I heard her say, a concerned look on her face. She had had a to go coffee in her hand from her mom's work and luckily she hadn't spilled any of it.

"Hello~? White boy?" Jolie waved her hand in from of my face. My mind snapped back to reality and I glanced at her. "Sorry. I just... I kinda faceplanted out of Campbell's window and into his dad's and my old therapist's arm."

I murmured, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously. She gave me a blank look before sighing.
"And you ran?"
"I was scared I guess."
"Well if you weren't ready to talk to him, that's okay. But when will you be ready?"
"...I... don't know..."
"That's okay."

Jolie stood up, coffee in hand before extending her other arm to help me up. Once I stood up she smiled at me.
"I know what'll make you feel better."


"And I need you now tonight, yeah I need you more than ever, and if you only holf me tight, we'll be holding on forever, and we'll only be making it RiGhT!"

I sang out beautifully, as Jolie, Ken, and Timothy cheered and sang along to this karaoke battle. Jolie was right, this WAS making me feel better.

Image from @burdiedraws on Instagram, I found it on Pinterest

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Image from @burdiedraws on Instagram, I found it on Pinterest.

I smiled to myself as I continued the song, the others singing in the background, Jolie was perfect, Timothy was smooth, and Ken was a little loud but perfect for rock songs.

As I thought about it, as the song lyrics spilled from my lips, I realized that my friends were rad, having a sleepover with me because I fell out a window. I also thought about my stupid self. I let my old rage take over me and immediately assumed Exer was stealing Pamela, then I dragged David into it.

I was an awful person. Wasn't I?
Then I had an idea, one that lit up my face. I dropped the microphone and ran over to my desk, pulling my diary out.

I could fix that.

"Bye Pamela, see ya later!"
I waved happily to Pamela, who smiled back before trotting back to her house. When Pamela left, Dad shut the door and ushered us into the living room, so ttingus on the couch. Then he sat in an armchair.

"David how did you and Jackson get in here?"
He asked, confused.

David glanced at Dad, than me, rubbed the back of his neck, and then grinned as he bolted for the front door, leaving the door wide open, and as he was fleeing the scene of the crime, he spun around, and called:
"You'll never take me alive!"

Dad sighed and shook his head, a small smile on his face.
"I'll find out eventually."

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