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When I woke up, I stretched my arms above my head with a groan and looked out my window. The storm was over, but the sky was still dark and cloudy. I stood up and picked up my landline before returning it to the receiver. Lucy purred and stretched, her fluffy tail flicking the air.

I could smell cinnamon and chocolate downstairs. Weird. Lucy ran over to the door and flung it open before bounding down the stairs. I heard a resounding
"Lucy! I missed you!"
from my dad. Wait... Dad?!

I bolted down the stairs and slid into the kitchen, just to see Dad cradling the happily purring Lucy. He looked up and saw me, eyes crinkling as he broke into a smile.
He put Lucy down on the counter and opened his arms, so I flung myself into a hug. Dad chuckled and squeezed me back.

"I'm sorry I was gone so long son, the book people confirmed my book is going to be published."
He apologized, rubbing my back. I pulled away and stared at him.
"Wow! Dad, that's radical!"
I exclaimed, smiling.
He poked my cheek, and I assumed my dimple had come out. I batted his hand away and laughed.

"Hey old man, there was a storm last night, and I made it through with Lucy.'
Dad chuckled.
"That's wonderful son, now what did I miss?"

I could feel my face fall slightly.
"Uh... you missed a lot..."
He looked concerned and opened his mouth to speak, but luckily the phone rang just in time. I bolted over to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello? Campbell residence."
"Exer? I saw your dad's car out the window when it drove by Ken's house. Can I come over now?"
"David, hi! Oh... Uh what about William? He's still looking for you."
Dad's face looked increasingly worried and confused as I spoke into the phone.

"Ken offered to disguise me and bring me there. I think he wants to make up for yesterday."
"Oh. Uh... Yeah well I think you can come over."
"Okay, I'm on my way. I love you."
I opened my mouth to say it back, but Dad was there. I mean we were gonna tell him anyways, right?
"Same to you."

I blurted and hung up, feeling guilty. Dad glanced at me.
"What did David want?"
He asked, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
"He's coming over."
Dad's face lit up. He had always liked David and treated him like his own kid. Well, he might as well be because someday I'm going to propose to that boy, and he'll be Dad's son-in-law. I'll get a huge diamond ring, and he'll love me forever.

"Oh good, I missed him too!"
Dad's smile brightened before it faltered.
"Has Mr. Miller been any nicer?"
I shook my head no.
"Well, whenever David gets here, I'll say hello and be on my way."
My eyes widened.
I burst out, and Dad looked really concerned now.
"I promised David a free therapy session. And we have something to tell you..."
I added, quiet and nervous. I rubbed the back of my neck and avoided eye contact as my dad nodded slowly.

"Okay son..."
He trailed off before handing me a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon and extra whipped cream, just like I liked it. He had one for himself and a little dish of milk for Lucy. He started to fumble around the kitchen, making another mug for David.

I could feel my anxiety peaking, shockwaves of emerald mist coursing through me and the air. Suddenly a knock came from the door. I quickly put my mug down and bolted over, opening the door.

David was standing there, but he didn't look like David. He had his hair all messed up and a baseball cap was plastered over his hair. Sunglasses covered his eyes, and he wore some punky grunge clothing that was most definitely Ken's.

"David! Come in, quick!"
I grabbed his arm and yanked him in before slamming and locking the door. I peered out the window and made sure no redheaded gremlin was hovering nearby.

"David, hello son!"
Dad spotted Day and his face broke out into a bright and genuine smile. When he said 'son', I noticed the blonde flinched ever so slightly.

Dad walked over and smiled in an amused sort of way.
"So you got a style change I see? It's very... Edgy. Which is a good thing if you like it!"
He added, twisting a shirt button nervously before handing David a cup of molten chocolate.

When we were all seated in the living room and David had pulled off his hat and glasses, Dad patiently waited for us to start.
David and I were seated close to each other on the couch, and my dad was sitting in a chair across from us.

Our hot chocolate was on the coffee table in front of us, and Dad crossed his legs, smiling softly to urge us on. I looked at David, who bit his lip and stared at Dad.

"Uhm... Mr. Harry... I haven't been doing so good lately..."
"What do you mean?"

And David exploded. All the emotions he had contained burst out and he was talking about his dad, Ricky and Marty, having to hide at Ken's house, not being able to see his mom, having a bad appetite, just everything. Tears rolled down his face and dribbled onto Ken's jacket.

David hurriedly covered his face, trying to wipe away the river of salty water trickling down his cheeks. Dad looked concerned as all of this was hurtled at him within minutes. His eyebrows were laced in sadness and he looked upset.

"Where did he hit you?"
Dad asked softly and David just shrugged and looked at me.
"His arms, legs, face, and chest."
I told Dad, who's eyes widened in rage, and he stood up and paced to calm himself down. I squeezed Day's hand and nodded at him. When Dad had calmed down and returned to his chair, David looked at me.

"I have something to tell you too Dad."
I avoided eye contact and bit my lip. I exhaled, squeezedy eyes shut, and finally said it.

"I love David. I love him like I should like girls. We're dating. That's why Mr. Miller kicked him out."

Dad went quiet. When I looked up he stood and approached me and David, expression unreadable. Did I just ruin my life too?!

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