Chapter 56: Bitter

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"Alright kid, step on the plate."
It had been three hours of needles and shocks. I was so fucking tired I felt like I was going to pass out. Maybe if I did they'd put me back in my room. My room was the closet sized section with no lights and a pillow. Yay. My head was killing me and it felt like it was splitting open.

I limped onto the pressure plate, and they scratched away at their clipboards. One of them snapped their fingers at me and pointed like I was a dog.
I went. They tended to talk to me in Russian to give commands. Hey ok the bright side maybe I could understand Ron a bit better.
I felt my legs go weak as I collapsed to the floor. The scientist yelled at me in Russian and then at his friends, who hoisted my limp self up.
"Dr. Daren, I think that's enough. The poor boy's all tuckered out."
I looked up at the speaker. It was Mr. Robert. He was my favorite of the scientists and the only doctor. Well actual doctor.
He had pale skin, blocky glasses, hazel-green eyes, a swoop of milk chocolate hair, and the coolest mustache I had ever seen. It curled up at the ends, and you couldn't really see his mouth.

His eyes were crinkled up in worry as he looked at Dr. Daren, who signed and rolled his eyes.
"Mr. Richard, we still have tests to perform."
He spat, glaring.
"Uh, Mr. Robert, and this kid is gravely I'll with no one to care for him! We have to heal him, not push him to the extreme!"
That was another thing about him. He cared about me, but he didn't know why I was really here. He was fed lies that I was a terminally ill teenager with no family. Not a freak with magic.

"He's fine Mr. Rockland. Go check his vitals or something."
Dr. Daren spat, causing chuckles from the others. Mr. Robert, or well, Dr. Robert set me down on the floor and patted me on the shoulder.
"It's okay kid. You'll be alright. We'll get whatever disease you have out. You'll live a long life, okay?"
Then he nodded, gave me a crinkled smile, and left. I didn't want him to, he was the one person I liked in this madhouse.

"Ладно, урод, вставай. Сейчас."
I could hear the scientists growl at me in Russian, and I shakily stood up. It was difficult. I was so fucking tired. I just wanted to sleep for years. They prodded me with their tools, took some hair, sliced my forearm with some cold chemical shard, which caused blood to deep out of my arm. Suddenly, they gasped as they saw the smallest bit of green mist leave my flesh. One caught it in a jar.

They yelled with joy I assume. Now they had some magic, and now they know how to get more. However, as they danced about, the mist faded. They stared at it and then at me.
"YOU DID THAT ненормальный!"
Dr. Daren snarled, before hitting the button on the wall that called the guards.
"I didn't, I swear!"
That button only meant one thing, and I wasn't going back to that office. But as the guards barreled in I knew I was screwed. I was too tired to run, my mind too foggy to think. My head was swimming in a molten pot of pain and fear, and I did the only thing I could think of.

I shot out my hands and saw emerald, before letting out the biggest burst of magic I could produce. That's when I realized that I had those parasite machines on my wrists.
I felt lightning course through me in waves of jolts. The guards grabbed my arms and hoisted me up as I began to black out.

I was not really paying attention to the circle, when suddenly my torso surged in pain.
"Ay, ay, ay! Oh dios me duele el pecho!"
I exclaimed, reeling over and squeezing my eyes shut. My hand clutched my heart, while my knees drew up to my chin as I bit my tongue to prevent shouting more.

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