Chapter 19: We just Can't Catch a Break

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(hope you all enjoy the running gag of "we just can't catch a break")

Why the hell was I suspended in a tube with wires attached to me?! The only clothes I had on was some underwear and shorts, so someone took my shirt, shoes, and socks. Of course. If I was here, I bet David was too.

Suddenly a weak pearly light flickered on and I could see. I was in one of those giant test tubes like in the movies. I knew it! I was surprised I could breathe, but the aloe like gel held me in place. I could move my arms, legs, and head a little, but it was a process.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw scientists at huge computers, charts, and writing on clipboards. One looked up from his clipboard and saw I was awake. I watched as he shouted something and looked around at who I only assumed was the lead scientist. The guy walked over and talked to me. I can't hear him though.

He tapped the glass and I heard the faint noise and felt the tank glass vibrate. It loosened the gel, and I could move a little more. I started shimming my foot to the glass, and they watched me as I did that. When I finally did, I gave the glass multiple sharp prods with my foot. The glass gave a series of vibrations, and the gel started falling apart. I shot my hand out and shattered the glass.

The aloe like substance seeped onto the floor, but some still clung to me. I stepped out and raised my hands. "What are you doing with me?" I glowered. It's not everyday you kiss your boyfriend and then end up in a sci-fi lab." They all looked terrified, some were cowering behind clipboards. "We want to study you, turn you into a weapon to fight the Russians." Science Guy A replies nervously, worrying I was going to attack him.

"Where are my friends?" I pester further, making sure to sweep my eyes slowly around the room and have eye contact with all of them. My heart was pounding with fear, but my intimidation tactic appeared to have worked. "Well, it appears you ripped a hole in the space-time sphere and caused them to.... you ever seen Back to the Future? Yeah, you sent them to the past, thirty-four years or so." Madman B says while confirming this information on his precious clipboard.

"Well all except the blo-" Science Nerd C starts, but Asshole D gives him a deathstare and Science Nerd C stops mid sentence. "All of them are in the past." Asshole D finishes. I glared and stated angerliy "No, that guy started saying someone IS here, and I am pretty sure I know who. Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you." I don't have time for this shit. I need to save David, get my friends back from the past, and get home. They must have nabbed me and Day after we kissed and the others disappeared.

"Five... four... three... two-" I paused giving them a second, but they made no attempt to tell me. "Damn it." I grumbled and raised the shattered glass in the air and threw it in their direction to distract them. I bolted out of the room, slamming and blocking the door before continuing my search for David.

I saw guards escorting him to where I was. He looked the same, except his wounds were... gone? Wait did I heal him?! I've never healed someone THAT much. I shot my hand out and with a sweep of the hand, the guards fell over, asleep. I grabbed David's arm and started running. After a couple seconds of frantic looking, I saw a exit.

I ran to it, but a guard with a damn RIOT SHIELD stood in front of us. "Can't you people leave us alone?!" I yelled as I tipped my head with a jolt and the shield flew out of the guys hand. "EEEP DON'T KILL MEEE!" Riot shield guy is cowering on the floor.

I raise hand and use my powers to push him in a different direction. He goes sliding down the smooth tile and I can hear his freaking out fading. I grab David's arm again and push the door open. A gust of frigid air practically knocked me over. I felt snowflakes on my skin, and once I saw outside I let out a bellow of anger.

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