Chapter 42: What Are You Doing Here?!

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I heard a knock from my window, and when I sat up and turned to look out of it, to my utter surprise, I saw... Ken? What was he doing here?

Ken mimicked opening the window, so I opened it.
"What are you doing here?!"
I hissed, unable to stop myself from glaring at him. Ken smirked and held out his hand.

"Saving Barbie's brother."
He chuckled, eyes crinkling up as he smiled.

"C'mon Prince Charming, grab your shit and let's go."

I couldn't help smiling at Ken, something I'd never think I'd do. I grabbed the cat, and then used my free hand to grasp Ken's. He pulled me out of the window, and told me to stay put. Then, Ken shimmied down the side of the house. When he got to the ground, he held his arms out.

"Jump, I'll catch you!"
"No! You'll drop me!"
"I'm tempted, but I won't."
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you!"
He smiled as he said that last bit. I could tell he was joking. At least a little bit. So, against my better judgement, I squeezed my eyes shut and leaped off the second floor. I felt the air whistle as I fell and with a grunt from Ken, he caught me, bridal style. He stumbled a little from the impact, and when he saw he caught me, he dropped me immediately.

 He stumbled a little from the impact, and when he saw he caught me, he dropped me immediately

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Drawn very hurriedly by me.

I glared at him before standing up, brushing grass off of my pants. It was dark outside because apparently, I'd been lying in bed longer than I initially thought I did. It was after sunset, so we could see, but not as well. Ken beckoned for me to follow him.

We left the neighborhood and walked all the way to the rich area if Kingsmont. The rich neighborhood. Honestly, I was startled Ken lived in this area. I thought he lived in a shack somewhere. Or maybe Jolie's garage.

But we walked along the sidewalk, and Ken casually opened his the door to one of the bigger houses. When we entered it was very elegant, with vases and flowers and porcelain galore. Ken looked very out of place. Sharp footsteps were heard coming down the hallway.

"Oh shit, go upstairs, it's my mother!"
Ken hissed, flailing his hands. I gunned it up the stairs, and hid behind a random, yet elegant statue in the corner. I peered down the stairs and saw a gorgeous woman with a stern look on her face. She matched the house very well, and she blinked at Ken.

"Hey birth giver, what's up?" He asked, smiling innocently. She sighed and rolled her jade green eyes, lightly bapping him on the back of the head with her hand.

"Darling, don't call me that."
"What about nine month hotel?"
That earned him another bap on the back of his neck. He chuckled and swatted his mother's hand away. She allowed herself a millisecond to grin before continuing to stare sternly at her son.

"Kenneth, what were you doing out so late?"
She asked promptly. Ken groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Mommmm, don't call me thattt."
Ken whined, kicking his foot against the ground.
"Whatever honey, what were you doing out at-"
She paused to check her watch.

"Timothy wanted to show me one of his newly hatched chickens."
"Oh did he?"
"Then how come you whispered in a very loud voice: "Oh shit, go upstairs, it's my mother?" And that was followed by very loud footsteps booking it up the stairs?"

I saw Ken's face go maroon. His mother grinned.
"Is there a girl here? Is it Jolie?"
Ken gave another groan of indignation and stamped his foot.
"Mom, there is no girl here, and how many times must I tell you I don't like Jolie?!"
"I think she's a sweet girl."
"I do too, I just don't like her like that! And the person here is Da-"

Ken's mother than looked seriously at Ken and interrupted him.
"Did you hear about what happened in court between Miller and Campbell's sons?"
He shook his head no, glancing at the ceiling.
"They kissed! Two boys! I was there, in the jury!"
Ken gaped at his mom.
"You were in the jury?!"
"Did you vote Mr. Miller guilty or not guilty?"
Ken smiled.
"No makeup job would be that good to cover up the described attack."

Ken threw his arms in a hug around his mom. She looked startled and patted him on the back. When he pulled away she gave him a suspicious look.

"So what were you saying?"
"Uh... You're right, it is Jolie. We're going to watch a movie."

His mother clapped her hands and elbowed Ken.
"Ooo, honey, that's wonderful!"
"Can I go upstairs now?"
"Of course!!!"

Ken jogged upstairs and rolled his eyes at David. Then he beckoned him into his room. Ken had a huge room, with a television, his own landline, and it was heavy metal EVERYWHERE.

Ken flopped onto his bed and pointed at the closet. I walked over and opened it, and to my suprise, Ken had taken some soft looking blue blankets and yellow, plush pillows. He had taken pictures of Exer and Lucy, and taped them to the wall. There were David Bowie posters and all this stuff I loved.

I glanced at Ken, confused. He smiled.
"That's your temporary home! I asked Brenda very subtly what you liked, and while I was there, I stole some of your things and put it in here. I decided to help you out because I know it'll make Brenda happy, and just cause you dislike me doesn't mean I can't be friendly."

I gaped at Ken, I had learned so many things in such a short period of time that my brain felt fried. He pointed at the little box in there. It was labeled 'Blonde Worthy Food.'

When I opened it here was chocolate, chips, soda, cookies, and tons of other stuff. And on top there was a picture of Exer. I glared at Ken and he waggled his eyebrows at me, grinning. .

"You don't need to go to school, they'll expect you to be there. When I'm gone, feel free to use the TV and the phone in my room. Be sneaky about going to the bathroom. No one is here during the day, but be careful just in case."

Ken then shut the closet door on my face, leaving me and Ziggy sitting in the dark, and as I lied down, I couldn't help smiling.

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