Chapter 41: Stardust Blues

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My life had been flipped upside down in a matter of minutes. William stole my brother away from my mother and I again, and now guess who's having an earth shaking panic attack? Exer Campbell, that's who, and I don't blame him.

It feels like a tornado is around him, except he's pushing us away. The court is shaking, and everyone is freaking out. The walls are cracking, chairs exploding, and the windows shattering.
"It's another quake!"
Someone yelped, and everyone ran towards the emergency exit. The only people left in the building were Mom, Ron, Linda, and I. Mom and Ron looked horrified. Linda grabbed Ron's arm.

"Come on kid, we gotta get out of here! The building is going down!"
I heard Linda call to Ron, and she yanked him out of there though the exit. My mother army hauled her way over to Exer, and wrapped her arms around his stomach, hoisting him up.

"Exer, I know, I'm upset too, but we need to leave hun! I know you feel like it won't get better, but we'll get your boyfriend back!"

I forced myself past the wind and over there too, grabbing Exer's hand. We got out of the building just as it cascaded to the ground in a plume of smoke and plaster.

Exer was still upset and shaky, but my mother had her arms wrapped around him in a hug, and and he hugged her back, they sank to their knees. He still just hugged my mom, tears rolling down his cheeks. Mom made a shushing noise, rubbing his back and gently swaying him back and forth.

He sniffed, pulling away and wiping his eyes on his sleeve. My mom gave him a sad smile before speaking.
"It's okay Exer. We'll get David back. You're a good kid. I'm glad that my son ended up with someone as caring as you."
Exer's eyes watered as he looked at her.

"You d-don't care that I'm a b-boy?"
He asked, eyes reminding me of a lost puppy. My mother chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"No hun, it's alright. As long as my pumpkin is happy. When I realized the situation between you two, I knew why he was always so happy. More happy than normal. You make him smile and his eyes light up like no one else can. I'm proud that he loves you, and that you love him."

Exer smiled, and happy tears left his eyes. He hugged my mom, and she hugged him back. I sat down next to them and wrapped my arms around both of them.

Dad pulled me into the house after a long drive in silence before leading me up to my room. It was newly furnished.

"Can't I get my stuff from Mom's house?"
I asked quietly, looking up at Dad, who shook his head.

"Your clothes are in your drawer. I made sure you don't have anything that would make you..."
He didn't finish the sentence.

"But, what about my old stuff that was here?"
"I got rid of it."
"Even my David Bowie posters?!"
"Especially those. I don't think he's a good influence."

And with that, Dad left, slamming the door. I glowered at the door before looking around my room. It was the same minus the lack of posters and stylish clothing. I flopped onto my bed, and I'm sure I would've cried, but I was all cried out.

I pulled off my suit and hung it in the closet, before pulling on one of the plain ass cotton shirts and flannel pants. I grimaced at the clothes. At least I still had my styling cream. I looked in my trash can and saw shredded pictures of Brad Pitt, David Bowie, and Exer. I bit my lip, before hunting through my room. He had removed anything I actually liked.

It's Gonna Take A Little Time... A Little Time To Think Things Over...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat