Chapter 53: Playground Swings

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"No, Ken Jr., that's my finger!"
I pulled my hand away from the most chaotic of my pet chicks. They were outside in their little chicken wire fence and hut. Ken Jr. apparently enjoyed my skin over the kernels I was trying to feed him. I sighed, and resorted to just dropping the food on the ground instead of holding it in my hand like normal.

The other chicks scampered to the food, while Ken Jr. gave me a reproachful stare. As I left and locked the fence, I heard my mother holler from inside the farmhouse.
"Tiana, you get in here miss!"
I couldn't help shuddering at the name my mother called me.

You see I was a girl once. But I want to be a boy, and look at me now! But my mother still insisted on calling me Tiana. But to be fair I haven't told her I am a boy, she just thinks I like short hair and cardigans. Well I like more than that. Hey, good thing I'm flat.

"I'm coming Ma, gimme a sec!"
I could feel the country twang in my voice come out and I shuddered. Ick. Jolie was the only person I knew who sounded good with a southern accent. I bolted to the porch, boots squelching into the thick mud.

I stamped my boots off before entering the house. Ma was smoking one of those cigarettes. She'd always complain that some were missing, and I insisted they were not in fact gone, when they were, because Ken took some. He couldn't afford his own, and plus I doubt the lady at the drug store would sell him any.

She pointed at the brick colored landline and I walked over, picking it up.
"Tim, hey."
I almost dropped the phone, face red as I squeaked out his name and desperately pressed the phone back to my ear.
"Yes yes, Ron."
"What's up?"
"David is wake. He want Exer alive. Jackson try writing, nothing happen."
"Oh, Ron I'm so sorry about that, hopefully he feels-"
"Timothy come over? I don't want to stay any longer."
"Oh, wow, um, yeah, I'm on my way!"

I hung up the phone and could feel my face burning. My mom looked at me and raised her eyebrows.
"Ron, huh Tiana?"
I sighed and shook my head slightly before walking out the door. How was i going to tell my parents? I didn't know, but I would somehow.

After about twenty minutes of walking I made it to the hospital and opened the door expectantly. There were patients in chairs and nurses bustling around. I stopped one and after figuring out which room David was in, I walked towards the elevator and pressed a few buttons.

"Don't take money, don't take fame, don't need no credit card to ride this train. It's strong and it's sudden, and it's cruel sometimes, but it might just save your lifeee, that's the power of love!"

I sang to myself as the elevator made it's way to the twelfth floor. When I got up there, I walked to room 1289 and opened the door. Inside I saw Jackson and David hugging on the bed, Pamela blinking rapidly, Brenda hugging her arms against her chest, and Ron, who looked ready to pass out.

"Hey Ron..." I wasn't very loud, but he heard me and looked up. He said his goodbyes and walked out of the door with me. We matched in silence to the elevator, which I could tell Ron liked because he insisted on pushing the buttons. I couldn't help laughing at this. We made our way outside and in unison our feet pounded against the sidewalk.

"What that?"
Ron pointed at a playground. Did they not have those in Russia? Timothy took Ron's hand and led him over to the playset. No one was there even though it was a nice day. Timothy sat on a swing and patted the one next to him.

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