Chapter 26: Want to Find Out?

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I adjusted my bowtie as I glanced at myself in the mirror. It was the night of the dance and I was getting ready to pick my day-te up. Get it? Date, and Day, add Day, make day-te? I need to get a life. I stared at myself. I looked pretty snazzy in my baby blue suit that was pretty similar to the one Tommy Ross wore in Carrie. Tommy was cute, Carrie should have checked on him before going on a rampage.

I brushed a piece of lint off my shoulder and tied my shoes swiftly. "Okay Exer, you can do this." I mumbled to myself before leaving my room and walking down the stairs to reveal Dad holding a camera and Lucy bouncing around happily like a bouncy ball.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs Dad raised his camera and snapped a picture. "There goes my son, getting a date and going to a dance." Dad mused, eyes watering. I glanced around. "Er... Dad, I need to tell you something..." I rubbed the back of my neck and avoided eye contact.

Dad's face fell. "Did you get a girl pregnant?!" He immediately assumed. I felt my face ignite with embarrassment and I went redder than Mars. "No, no Dad! Actually kind of the opposite of that." I waved my hands frantically and he calmed down. "Well what is it?"

"Uhm... My date is not a-" I begin, and Dad looks confused. Suddenly the doorbell rang and Dad smiled and practically ran over to the door. "Let's see the lady!" He opened the door to reveal an awkward looking David in a pale blue disco suit. Dad's smile faltered.

"Oh, she isn't here yet. Hello son, how are you?" He added with a grin. David smiled back and walked over to me. His eyes lit up. "You look rad Exer..." He mused, staring at me. I felt my face flush. "So do you David..."

Dad's eyes flickered back and forth between us and something clicked inside his mind. "There isn't a girl... Is there?" He asked quietly. "You and David are going together? But from the look on your face... You aren't going as friends." Dad pretty much figured us out, right then, right there.

"Um... Yeah... Surprise?" I put my hands halfway up in celebration. Dad took a step forward, glowering at us both. Then he threw his arms out. David flinched and he pulled us both into a hug. When he pulled away he had tears on his face and looked very happy. "Oh god, that's so cute!" He wailed.

"I've shipped you two for yearsss! Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he dramatically put a hand on his forehead. Lucy got in on the action by standing on her hind legs and mimicking Dad, before teetering over and falling onto her back.

I looked at David, who looked just as startled as me and I started laughing. "Really old man? Haha, I love you!" I threw my arms around his waist in a hug, and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you too son." Dad whispered, leaning his head on mine.

David stood awkwardly in the background. Dad let go of me, walked over to David, and wrapped his arms around David. "I love you too David." And David looked like he was about to cry. He squeezed his eyes shut and hugged Dad back tightly.

After the tears and pictures were done, we waved bye to Dad and hopped into my trusty car. "Gun it dude!" David exclaimed over the wind in the passenger seat. I zoomed down the road, urging the car to go faster. We finally made it to the dance. The sun was setting, people were walking in, and I was ready to enjoy this dance.

"Come on Barbie, let's go party!" I sang as the song played in the background. I spun her in a circle, and she let out an "Ah, ah, ah, yeah~!" For the next lyric.

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