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I wake up the next morning and decide to take matters into my own hands. After all with the help of Jackson's diary I will be able to find David. I allow the magic to lead me silently through the forest and after about an hour I make it to a hidden lab in the forest. It is guarded in the front and I use my magic to slam the guards against the trees and they get knocked unconscious.

I kick the door down and yell out "BOOM MOTHERFUCKERS!" I speedily made my way around the lab, and I did get punched a couple of times, but at least I could defeat them somewhat easily. I find who appears to be the leaders and a couple scientists. The scientists drop their clipboards and put their hands in the air.

"Turn around." I have both hands pointed at the general, green mist floating around my hands and head.

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he general turned smiling at me. "I assume you want to know where your boyfriend is, hmm? Well I won-" I cut him off mid sentence by summoning his pistol and pointing it at him. "Try me." I snarl, glaring at this horrible person in front of me. His eyes widen and he nervously points at a door.

I back up slowly, gun still aimed at this guy and I open the door. "David I can't turn to look at you right now because I have the general at gunpoint if you are in there please say something and wrap your arms around my waist."


I was sitting, fiddling with the floor and singing Material Girl and I heard the door open. Looking up I saw Exer, and he told me to say something and wrap my arms around his waist. "Exer! You found me!" I am so happy, and the stupid ass scientists didn't even get the chance to perform a test on me!

I wrapped my arms around Exer's waist, and Exer shot the gun at General What's-His-Name's kneecaps. The guy fell over and Exer and I flew out of there. I was nervous he'd drop me but of course, he didn't. We arrived at my mother's house and Exer sat me down on the doorstep. He opened the door and everyone looked happy to see me at first, then terrified.


I was confused why everyone was frightened, but I realized I never got to look at David properly. I gasped. He was in perfect shape other than the fact that he had a bloodied eye. Like I don't think he could even see out of it. Brenda ran upstairs to get David a different shirt and pair of pants and I gave David a hug. He seemed relatively calm I guess it's because we got him out so quick but he's probably more nervous than he seemed.

"Oh don't worry it's not as bad as it looks," David chimes in gesturing his eye. He seems to be looking around everyone here. His mother is here, Brenda is here, Ronald's here, Jackson is here, and Linda is here but Mr. Miller isn't. I am surprised, the guy is an asshole to everyone, especially David, but you'd think he'd be prepared to look for him.

"Hey Exer, help me with my eye, would ya?" He dragged me into the bathroom and started rinsing the blood away. I stared, mortified at his ruptured eye, and then, for some STUPID reason, I said "Want ice for that? School nurse code." He laughs as I use my magic to completely heal his eye, although it is still a bit bruised.

"We really need to take a break from all of this. First Ricky and Marty, then the auditorium, then detention, now this?" We both laugh it off, and I leave the bathroom so he can change. We report the people to the police, and apparently they were not real government people, just frauds. So they were all arrested. Hopefully tommorow would be more peaceful.

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