Chapter 50: Stargazing and Grazing

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One second I'm hugging the boy I love, the next second he crumples to the ground, bleeding out. Dad tried to grab my arm, and it was nightmare fuel. His blood splattered clothes, the look of determination in his eyes, and the knife. I never realized this was how it'd turn out.

I shoved him away just as the police burst through the door, and they dragged Dad away. I sank to the ground and cradled Exer's top half as they restrainted my father. I felt tears run down my face as I turned Exer's face towards mine.

"Exer, Exer, wake up! Come on, you can do it!"
I didn't see the green sparks, or his open eyes. Because he looked dead. But he couldn't have been. Right? No, he's Mr. Magic, he'll be fine. He's healed me before, maybe he can heal himself. But he didn't move. I could hear Mr. Harry trying to sit up as some officers bandaged his arm. They were trying to avoid him seeing Exer, but it wasn't really working, because I could hear him shouting distantly.

A police officer came and felt Exer's wrist, before murmuring something to another. I made out one word. Dead. Dead. Dead. It echoed in my head, and I didn't believe it. I hugged Exer tighter, pushing his frizzy hair out of those amber eyes, but they were shut. Shut.

No, no, no. No. No. NO. I won't let him leave me. Not like this. My insides churned, and the back of my throat burned as I choked out a sob, tears leaving my eyes in a flood. A flood of pain. Of salty tears that I know Exer would brush away with a hug and a kiss. But he couldn't. He couldn't because 'dead' echoed around the room, and Mr. Harry just got louder.

I tilted his face towards mine, and pressed his lips to mine, but he didn't kiss back. I was just crying over the shell of someone I once loved. I kissed him again, and again, hoping beyond hope that he'd wake up, like a fairytale. Like Snow White. But he didn't. Because evil has won. Evil had won and there was no point.

"I'm never leaving you again Exer." I whispered, and I noticed the knife my father dropped. I guess I'd have to be the Juliet to my Romeo. So, I kissed him on the cheek, and I stabbed myself in the heart. And as I heard Mr. Harry get louder, I could have sworn I felt Exer clench my hand.

Ken opened his door and smiled at me happily.
"Hey Barbie! Welcome to my not really mojo dojo casa house!"
I giggled.
"What do you mean?
"This isn't actually our house, we live in the apartment complex. My mother rented this place out because some important business people were coming over, so she wanted to appear rich. Hell, she even put my older brother in a tailcoat, and my older sister in a dress! Don't tell me I told you, but Jolie totally has the hots for my brother."

I burst into laughter, hugging Ken.
"Oh god, you're so random!"
Ken smiled shyly at me just as the phone rang.

We were about to go stargazing, my hand in his when we got the call. When I picked up the phone, and heard what happened, I dropped the phone and bolted towards the front door, flinging it open.

Ken followed suit, confused. But I kept running, and it felt like time had stopped completely. When Ken grabbed my arm, I yanked it away.

"Brenda, what-"
"David tried to kill himself!"
I burst into tears, tugging Ken's arms. He pulled me close and tight, not letting me go. And we stood there for a while.


I heard a steady beep as I blearily opened my eyes, sunlight spilling through my eyelids. I saw that I was in a clean hospital room, sun radiating through the window and crisp sheets. I looked down and noticed I was in a hospital gown, and I had a bandage around my chest.

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