Chapter 44: Cheri Cheri Lady

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"Don't do drugs." - Exer Campbell, Episode 2.

As Ken agreed, Brenda's eyes widened.
"Ex, are you okay?"
She cooed, touching the side of my face. I hadn't had the chance to look at myself, so when I pulled away to look at the mirror, I couldn't help feeling myself withdraw.

My cheek had a large prune colored bruise that was yellowing painfully on the side. Blood trickled out of my mouth from my bit tongue and busted lip. More blood dripped lazily from one side of my aching nose.

My stomach also felt horrible, like I was about to puke. My back was probably bruised from the locker, and my head hurts like crazy from the hair yanking and throwing to the ground.

"I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Let's skip school and go to Ken's house."

Brenda looked hesitant, but Ken just shrugged and grinned.

"Follow me."

After about twenty minutes of walking, we ended up at this huge, fancy house. I could feel my jaw drop as Ken opened the front door. He beckoned us in and tramped up the stairs. Brenda looked at me before we followed him.

When we entered Ken's room, the closet door was open and the TV in his room was on the MTV channel. I gaped. No way Ken had a TELEVISION in his room. But he did. When the door opened, the blonde in front of the TV turned to look at us. His eyes widened when he saw me and his sister. Ken just grinned slyly and shut the door as Brenda gave a shriek of joy and threw her arms around her twin in a hug.

"Oh David! You're actually here!"
She squealed, a smile plastered on her face and dewy tears in her eyes.

Ken flopped onto his bed as Brenda pulled away from the embrace. I looked at David, and he stared at me. The gleeful expression on his face was prominent. He hopped up and went to fling his arms around me, when he noticed how injured I was. He hissed and squinted his eyes momentarily, wincing.

"Oh Ex, what happened?"
He slid his hand to my face, causing me to flinch. David quickly withdrew his hand, looking guilty. I felt pretty bad about that.

"David, you're okay!"
I smiled, avoiding the question and squeezing him into a hug. I didn't want to give David another thing to worry about. He went with it and hugged me back, before tilting his head to kiss me. But Ken was in the room, so I looked away. I mean, I guess it didn't matter since the whole school seemed to know I was bisexual at least.

Ken had fallen off his bed and was searching around under it however, so I guess it didn't matter. My lips pressed against David's, and I felt relief cascade through me. I had actually, genuinely thought that I wouldn't see David again. You bet I was glad I was wrong.

David exhaled happily, pulling away and plastering kisses all over my face. He pulled away before looking sternly at me.

"But for real though, are you going to tell me what happened?"

I just kind of shrugged and brushed his question off. I could heal myself, I mean, at this point my friends and Jackson's knew about mine.

I raised my hands to my face and shut my eyes, feeling the warm green mist fix me up. I didn't bother with my back or my chest however. David just kind of sighed.

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