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Library after school

He needs to stop leaving these cryptic notes. If I didn't know who it was, it would be creepy. Where is he?

I looked around the hall, and there he was. Walking towards his locker with his nose in his phone. I closed my locker and made my way over to him, cutting him off mid way.

'Boo!' I jump in front of him, making him jump a little

'Shit!' He almost dropped his phone, having to catch it before he dropped it. That was funny. And he can curse. 'You scared me.'

'You know, you don't need to leave these in my locker. You can just tell me. We are in the same class and all that.' I chuckle, showing him the note he left

'It was easier to leave a note.' He mumbles

'You just write a location and time. It sounds like I'm being called in for ransome.'

I was being serious, but he somehow found it funny and giggled. This was the first time I saw him smile. Truly smile, not just the little faint one.

His lips widened, revealing a smile that I couldn't call anything else but beautiful. The corners of his lips went up, reaching his eyes that were now hiding behind his pinky cheeks. And the giggles are quite adorable. Almost melodic. I suppose I could expect it based on the tone of his voice.

'Sorry about that. I'll try to be less... kidnappy?'

'Thank you. Now I'll be less scared when I open my locker.' I tease. 'But, seriously, you don't need to be afraid of talking to me.'

'Yeah, I'm... I'm not used to really talking to... people.'

He meant to say girls. Bless him.

'You are talking to me now.' I smile at him

'Technically, you are talking to me.' He seems to be in a good mood today. He's even smiling a little.

'Baby steps. We can take turns. I talk to you today. You can talk to me tomorrow.' I joke

I wondered why his smile suddenly disappeared, but then an arm leaned on my shoulder, followed by chuckling.

'I'll be damned. You are going after Jimin now.' Jungkook grins

Jimin looked down, very obviously embarrassed by Jungkook's stupid comment.

I shook him off, pissed off at his stupidity.
'I can't even deal with you. Beyond stupid.' I grimace at him before turning back to Jimin. 'I'll see you later.'

'Oooo, later.' Jungkook teased, but I couldn't be bothered to look behind me

In this whole thing, I only feel bad for Jimin. Poor guy didn't deserve this.


I was half asleep at lunchtime, laying down on the table in front of me while the girls kept fanning on about dumb shit. And by dumb shit, I mean Jungkook and Hobi.

Tzuna seems to have become even more obsessed with Hobi since... well... since he did what he did in the class. She wants him 10 times more.

And Minyu is still drooling after Jungkook, who doesn't even know she exists.

I kept my eyes closed, scrunching my long hair and turning it into a pillow under my face to make myself comfy.

'Tzuna, let me sleep.' I swatted her hand away when she poked me in the shoulder

'It's- it's not me.' Tzuna's shocked voice kind of made me open my eyes and raise my head, only to see Jimin standing next to me

'Jimin?' Even I didn't see this coming

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