C h a p t e r O n e

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                                                                                 PART ONE 

              "It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew." - unknown 

I'm sitting on Jack's porch, curled up on the porch swing

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I'm sitting on Jack's porch, curled up on the porch swing. a light breeze blows my hair against my face. The smell of coconut shampoo, cigarettes and Smirnoff vodka reach my nose. Jack is sitting directly across from me packing a bowl. I recognize that pipe, it's the one I gave him for his fifteenth birthday. Before everything fell apart, almost two years ago.                  

                "You wanna start it?" He asked, handing me the pipe and lighter. As I pressed it to my lips I let my dark eyes meet his piercing blue eyes. He had curly caramel colored hair that he never bothered to comb. and a jawline sharp enough to cut steel. By far the best looking guy I knew, my best friend. He had the type of eyes that could see right through me, he was the one person I would never lie to, because he'd see right through my bullshit.    


  I handed the bowl back to him, leaning over a bit as I did so, it wasn't lost on me that he could plainly see the hickeys that my bra didn't cover. He didn't say anything, afterall he was the one who'd given them to me. Mutually though, we were both trying to forget the fact that I'd woken up with my face buried in his chest and his arms wrapped around my lower waist. 

 "First day of senior year's tomorrow, crazy shit." Jack said around the cigarette in his mouth. 

I nodded, taking another swig of the flat beer that I'd left on the deck last night. Both he and I knew, It was a miracle that I even made it to senior year, and if I graduated I'd convert. After being my best friend, and my dealer Jack knew every side of me. And I hated it. His eyes met mine again, looking for an answer to his statement about school.

 "I don't have anything good to wear." I said, trying and failing to change the subject. Jack grinned. That fucking grin. Goddamn it. 

"Not like it really matters anyway..." he trailed off, still grinning

 "Go on."

 "Not like whatever you wear wont end up on some dude's bedroom floor, or the dashboard of a 2010 chevy."

 If looks could kill, Jack would be six feet under right about now. The chevy thing was one time, and as of last night he had no right to criticize my sex life. As he was a part of it. He held my gaze for a minute before taking another drag of his cigarette. It almost seemed like he was staring at me, or maybe his high was just setting in finally. Either way, as much as I felt as though my life was falling apart. Jack was falling with me. My watch beeped, 12.00pm. Work. Even though I'd called out for the past five days I knew that nobody can live off of 28 dollars, and a half empty can of cherry vanilla coke.

After a freezing shower, because of course Jack doesn't have hot water. I'm out the door and running to the bus stop with a rolled up dollar, that I took from Jack's dresser in my hand. I can feel the summer breeze on my face. Suprisingly, it feels good. And for a moment, it takes me back to a childhood long forgotten. Back when summer meant family vacation, and running around the pool in a bikini with my sister. Back when my life had promise, before that chill spring night two years ago. When I watched my youth slip through my fingertips. 

A/N: Short first chapter, so my apologies. The first chapter is always, in my opinion the most boring and hard one to right! I am so excited to continue writing this, and if your reading this thank you so much! It means the fucking world to me.  Also, warning that the next chapter has sex scenes, and more cut and dry drug abuse featured in it. So there's your trigger warning. 

Love you!


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