C h a p t e r S i x t y - S e v e n

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                                                                        PART SIXTY SEVEN

                                      ❝Fuck me for caring, fuck you for acting like you don't.❞

I thought I had seen my fair share of trap houses

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I thought I had seen my fair share of trap houses. The door Leonard opened was that of a house that resembled Jack's old one, it had a small sign in front of it in pink neon and with a cat on it. By now I was too drunk to understand what it said or care. I hung on Leonards arm. Inside, there was half naked girls on couches, no music but way to many men. They leaned on the walls and held the girls in their arms.

"What is this?" I asked Leonard, he grinned.

"You'll love it." He guided me, over to one of the walls where more men were standing with girls that could be their daughters. The swarm of other people who littered the room was uncanny. I glanced up at him, suddenly feeling very small. Someone cleared their throat and in front of me stood a tall, scragly looking man with a shock of blonde hair. Leonard stepped forward and approached him.

"Joshua, this is Kaitlyn." He said, gesturing to me and I got the strange feeling I was being auctioned off for something. Joshua smiled, he was missing most if not all of his teeth. I shrunk back into the corner. His toothy grin disapated. Leonard took my hand and placed it in Joshuas. I grimaced. 

"She's too pretty, she knew at this?" He asked Leonard and Leonard nodded. The girls who flitted around the cramped space were wearing hardly anything, I had gleaned what this was even through my alcohol induced fog. I was being, pimped out. Like the joke I had made to Jack. I stumbled after Joshua and into a bedroom. I was, a sex expert but I did not know how to fuck someone I did not know. I wondered how much money he had given Leonard for me, I sat, awkwardly on the bed looking at him. 


Late, late that night I stumbled out of a taxi in front of my "home". I fumbled for cash, and my keys opening the door. Jack sat on the sofa watching TV he glanced at me and did a double take. 

"Jesus christ, you look horrible." I was not even fully in the room when I stripped off my shirt and pants. I retrieved the wad of cash from my pocket and tossed it on the counter. Jack stood up and reached for me but after the night I'd just had, I had no desire to be touched by anyone.

"I just wanna shower." I muttered. He stepped back and nodded.

"Seriously, what happened?"

I did not respond as I walked to the bathroom, as an afterthought I snagged the bottle of vodka which I had purchased yesterday from the counter. Jack, ever caring fucking loving Jack. Came after me as I slid my underwear and bra off. I wrenched the shower handle to the hottest setting. As I stood there, under the cascading boiling water I scrubbed at my skin. As though I'd never felt more disgusting. Jack yanked open the shower curtain. 

"What. The. Fuck. Happened?" He asked, his voice gritty and filled with rage. i shrugged, Jack was the last person I wanted to tell what I'd just done. I didn't want to tell him, it wasn't just Joshua that it was more than that. That it was, matter of fact way to many people. And I didn't even remember their goddamn names. I dug my nails into my now red and raw skin. I could not look at him, because I could not believe what I had just done. 

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