3. Vanilla Ice-Cream Boarding

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The incomprehensible impossible unbelievable happened

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The incomprehensible impossible unbelievable happened. The mind-blowing gossip-sowing earthquaking - and how Svenja put it - heartbreaking occurred. The three were officially in a relationship. With one girl. Ellie. 

Her career at Burmore had yet to be matched. From new girl to popular girl to super star in two months. The trident crown had a fourth spike and it was pastel pink.

The oak-wood double doors to the school opened and four figures entered. Everyone's head turned unisono to the door as if they were commanded by a spell. 

And even though I wished I could resist the urge, I turned my head too, to watch them half-hidden from behind my locker's door. Dante was walking on her right side, Nate and Ben on her left.

Ellie was a perfect match for them, no one could deny that. She kept up with them in beauty, confidence and style. She easily turned the hallway into a runway. Girls were calling her, waving at her or tried to have a quick chat.

I took my books out of my locker and hurried to my chemistry class.

As soon as the teacher had entered, he clapped his hands. 

"Quick examination of the homework. Close your books, please, and take out a paper."

My eyes widened in shock. What was it with Burmore and these spontaneous quizzes? I had tried to do my homework yesterday night at ten o'clock after my shift at the ice- cream shop. And I didn't even understand half of it.

We had to answer two questions that Mr. Willens wrote down on the board. After ten minutes, he went around and collected our papers. His frown, when he glanced over my sheet of paper told me enough about my impending mark.

My heart sank and I hunched over my desk with a sudden stomach ache. I was 18 and in the last year of secondary school. In one year, I would have to take the final exams. Those exams plus my marks in all classes would determine my final grade. If I failed a class now, I wouldn't be able to graduate. 

I believed I was at least on the hit list in three classes. Chemistry was one of them. Math, of course, was one of them. And sports. Because our PE teacher had decided we'd do a whole year of football in honour of Burmore's famous team. I hated this sport. 

The thought of my parent's disappointment if they found out that I was on the verge of failing, made my heart ache. I didn't tell them yet. They had enough to worry about. 

I stormed out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang and entered the cafeteria. When I was seated at our table, Hebe and Svenja let me in on the newest gossip.

"They've been a quadruple for two weeks now, she's always with them but no one has ever seen them touch each other. Like...isn't that weird?" Svenja frowned and threw her usual glances past my right at the royal table.

"Isn't it just decent if they don't touch in public?" I threw in.

"Nate and especially Dante never gave an f about that when it came to their former hook-ups. I'm still getting a heart-attack when I think of Dante dry humping Nora against his Aventador in the parking lot." Hebe fanned herself.

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