52. Prom...

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It was like waking up from a fever dream when I finally stood on the stage at the graduation, the afternoon before the prom

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It was like waking up from a fever dream when I finally stood on the stage at the graduation, the afternoon before the prom. I blinked into the applauding audience while shaking the dean's hand.

"Very impressive achievement, considering that you were on the verge of failing in the first half of the school year," The dean told me, "You can be proud of yourself."

"Thank you," I managed to say, then descended the stairs, clutching my graduation certificate in my hands.

I made it. I made it. Overcome with relieve, I had a hard time to keep my eyes from tearing up.

I looked into the crowd and smiled when I saw Nora, Dilara and Milan making victory poses and giving me thumbs up. 

My eyes roamed further and got caught by three pairs of familiar eyes. Ben wore a proud smile that made his normally stern eyes twinkle. Nate winked at me impishly while Dante just watched me intensely.

My face heated up and my heartrate accelerated. I couldn't wait for the prom tonight.

I quickly went on to my seat where two overly excited parents were awaiting me.


The expansive assembly hall of Burmore Academy was bathed in magical blue light which caught in the hundreds of reflecting stars that hung from the high ceiling. Just to be reflected back from the sequins on the evening gowns below. Electric music was played by a DJ and the crowd on the dancefloor swayed to the beat.

My eyes roamed the crowd, studied every detail that was caught by a streak of atmospheric light, eagerly searching for a peek of Nate's distinct blonde locks, a glimpse of tatted skin or Ben's pale face.

"... dress."

I turned around to Taylor who had been saying something to me.

"Uhm, what?" I asked him.

"You look unbelievably beautiful in this dress, y/n," he told me, looking into my eyes.

He looked good in his tailored suit with the dark red bowtie.

"Thanks, you're looking good too." I threw him a small smile, before I continued searching the crowd with my eyes.

I flinched, when he put his hand on my lower back.

"Do you want to drink something or dance with me?"

My gaze wandered to the round tables on the side, scattering around the bar. Besides the catering staff, this part of the room was relatively empty.

"Let's dance," I therefore decided, reckoning I'd have better luck to find the three where the majority of people was.

When we finally found a little room on the crowded dancefloor, Taylor lay his hands on my hips and we started to sway to the music.

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