17. Perks of being friends with the crown

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"Need a ride?" Dante had the audacity to ask when I passed him on the parking lot

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"Need a ride?" Dante had the audacity to ask when I passed him on the parking lot.

School was over and I was on my way to the bus stop. Fuming.

I gave him the finger without shooting him a glance and continued my way.

As I walked along the street, a car slowed down next to me. It was a flat black Lamborghini some-fighting-bulls-name. The car, Dante usually drove to school. Therefore, I wasn't surprised when he was looking at me through the rolled-down window.

"Get in."

"Haha," I fake-laughed, then scowled, "No fucking way."

"Y/n, we needed to do this to protect you. Taylor is a fuck-boy. He's not good for you."

"Protect me?" My voice was shrill, "Now the whole school keeps distance to me, fearing to get into trouble with you for so much as looking at me."

"Taylor needs to stay away from you. We will not stand back while some dickhead is making a pass at you."

"And who are you to decide who's good for me and who's not?"

"We care about you."

"People are going to avoid me like the plague from now on! No one, especially boys will not so much as look at me anymore," I cried with angry tears in my eyes.

He was silent for a second as he continued to drive along with my stomping self.

"What's so bad about not being bothered by boys? Are we not enough? Don't we bother you enough?"

I glared at him.

"You cannot be serious," I growled lowly.

I had halted and so did his car. He didn't give an f about the other cars having to drive around him since he blocked the street.


"I hate you. All of you. And I wish, I can finally get out of your clutches and find real friends. Because you are not." And with this, I turned around and stumbled across country into the adjoining forest just to get away from him.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the door of his car. I looked over my shoulder to confirm that Dante had abandoned his Lambo on the street to follow me with a stern look in his dark eyes.

Adrenalin kicked in and I instinctively sped up. The cracking of sticks and leaves behind me indicated that he sped up too. My heart pounded in my chest as I quickly sidestepped the summer green trees and bushes. I knew we were on talking terms. I didn't even fear that he'd hurt me. But when I started to run and he decided to follow, we had become hunter and prey. It was like some primal instincts had kicked in. Breathing raggedly, I worked my way forwards through the thicket. Thorns scratched my skin and tore my school uniform.

I knew, he was fast, but I was still surprised when his arms closed around me a few meters into the forest. I squeaked. He chuckled which made me realize that my back was pressed against his hard chest.

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