35. Grading

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I had been in the Reom mansion every day this week for my tutoring, but it was still overwhelming to step through the quiet beauty of the marble entry hall, getting lost in jane-austen-ly scenarios

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I had been in the Reom mansion every day this week for my tutoring, but it was still overwhelming to step through the quiet beauty of the marble entry hall, getting lost in jane-austen-ly scenarios.

"Whoa! Careful."

I snapped out of my thoughts as two arms wrapped around me from behind. I got yanked back, seconds before I collided with the newel of the stairs. The strong and warm chest that my back collided with instead was definitely the lesser evil.

"What would I give to get a peek into those thoughts you always lose yourself in," Ben murmured against my ear.

I lightly shivered from his breath tickling my neck.

"Well, unfortunately, they were not about chemistry, I can tell you this much," I chuckled.

"No problem, I'm going to make you think of chemistry for one hour straight, as soon as you sit at my desk." I could hear the smile in his voice.

His arms fastened even more and I was pressed flush against him before he added: "Until you beg me to be allowed to solve a math problem instead."

"Ben," I breathed, my body heating up. That was probably the first time the mention of math turned me on.

We both looked up when we heard the entry door and Ben quickly let go of me.

"Hello Benedict." A deep voice sounded behind us.

"Hey dad," Ben greeted him.

I turned around to see the mayor dressed in a tailored blue suit, his short grey hair combed back elegantly. His eyes only grazed me, before they were back on Ben.

"Please tell your mother that we need to be at Saint Anna's hospital at twelve for the opening ceremony of the new hospital wing."

"Okay, dad."

Ben's dad nodded curtly and disappeared into one of the corridors.

We took a diversion on our way to Ben's room and halted in front of a heavy oak door on the first story. After knocking three times, Ben stepped inside.

"Hey mum. Dad said you need to be at twelve at Saint Anna hospital."

"I already know that." The dean's voice sounded sharp, "Next time you see him, tell your dad I'm not an idiot. I know my schedule."

Confused, I followed Ben to his room. I found it very peculiar how his parents used Ben as their legman. Yes, their house was big, but were they really that lazy?

"Couldn't your dad have told your mum that at dinner?"

He was silent for a moment, ordering the already ordered boxes on his desk.

"They don't talk to each other anymore." He sighed, "Well, they do. But only in public."

He turned his office chair towards me and I followed his invitation and slid into it.

He positioned me in front of the desk and stood behind me for a while, hands on the backrest.

"They hate each other's guts," he murmured after a moment of silence.

"That's bad." I reached with my hand behind my shoulder to stroke his. He took my hand instead and held it tightly.

"Mum said my dad screws his secretary. And dad said mum screws her tax advisor."

"Did they tell you this?" I asked.

"No. They screamed it into each other's faces and I overheard."

He removed his hand from mine and cleared his throat.

"Back to electrons."

"Aaand done!" I declared one and a half hour later, setting the pen aside energetically. I had a feeling that I did well on Ben's self-made test.

I jumped up to change places with Ben, clapping my hands in excitement.

Ben chuckled as he got up from the bed and sat down at his desk.

"Let's see what we got here."

I flopped down on his bed from where I could observe his facial expression. His face never gave anything away, but I was too excited not to try to read my performance from it.

Ben's red pen quickly flew over the paper.

"19 out of 30 points," he finally stated, "That's a C+."

He seemed contented with my work but I could do nothing but sigh in frustration. I wanted to get one of Ben's rare Bs for my Chemistry exercises. I was so close. I let myself fall back on the bed in disappointment.

I heard him get up.

"Okay, I'll give you a B because I like you."

He appeared in my sight, and halted in front of me at the edge of the bed. I got on my knees to be face-to-face with him, but still had to look up to meet his eyes.

"That's a violation of equal treatment, Mr teacher," I scolded jokingly.

Something ignited in his eyes. He leaned down, forcing me to lean back till I landed on my ass.

"Scratch that. It's going to be an A."

He positioned his arms left and I right of my shoulders.

"An A+ actually. Because I...I imagine every night...how I..." His eyes raked over my body beneath him. They came to a halt in mine which were wide with anticipation.

"Shit," he pressed through his teeth, abruptly stood up and turned away from me.


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