4. Twisted Apology

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I was leaving the gym with a gloomy face and multiple bruises on my legs

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I was leaving the gym with a gloomy face and multiple bruises on my legs. Stumbling over that f*ing football, I had sprawled onto the hall floor multiple times.

The PE teacher was a sucker for the two guys from the football-team that were in my PE class and always let them chose teams. To no one's surprise, I was always chosen last. And I swear, the guy who had to take me into his team today had a little tear in the corner of his eye.

It wasn't like I was a complete sports dork. It was just... balls. I hated balls, okay!?

After crossing the schools parking lot where my schoolmate's outrageously expensive cars parked, I was in front of the school's regal main building with its crenelations and paladin windows. Quickly following another student who had pushed open one wing of the old oak door, I stepped into the busy hallway.

From the atmosphere, I could tell the three were present. I couldn't keep myself from throwing a quick glance towards their lockers - and almost stumbled when my gaze met Ben's cold grey ones. My eyes widened when Ben said something to his best friends and Nate and Dante turned their heads to look at me, too.

I tore my eyes away and quickened my pace to get out of their sight. There was a mixture of anger and dread in my veins and I subconsciously clenched my fists. 

If there was one thing, I didn't want, it was their attention after what happened the day before. I knew, it could mean only one thing, if they showed interest in me now – they were still pissed because of what I did to Ellie. And having those three as an enemy, I could very well dig my grave right here, right now.

 Goodbye life. It was nice to have you. You could have been more exciting, but I'm not going to complain now that I'm about to lose you at the hands of three vengeful boyfriends. Amen.


I made it through the morning alive and unbothered. Maybe, I had overreacted. They had glanced at me, because they remembered my face vaguely, so what? I stepped into the cafeteria, grabbed a tray and joined the line in front of the food distribution.

"Hey, y/n!" Hebe and Svenja skipped the line to join me.


"Look, I have a little goldfish on my nail." Hebe presented her freshly made nails.

"Aww, cute." I smiled.

"Have you seen Dilara Orane's nails?" Svenja chimed in with a shook face, "Four centimetres, sharp pointed and matte black. Our English teacher asked her this morning if she wanted to stab someone."

"For real?" Hebe giggled.

My mood brightened, when I took the plate with kung pao that looked quite delicious. I thanked the staff at the food counter and navigated around talking and laughing students to our table.

Hebe and Svenja were still talking about nails. It was refreshing that the conversation revolved around a different topic than the school's royalty for once.

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