14. The Game

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It was Saturday

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It was Saturday. I had arrived at the stadium and let the current of excitedly bubbling fans, dressed in Burmore's red and blue, carry me to the entrance. 

Even though I had been extraordinarily unexcited to go to the game, now that I was in the middle of it all, the pervasive anticipation and suspense took over me. I almost wished I had worn red and blue too, like most people on our side of the stadium. 

I took one of the hand-sized paper-flags that were handed round and ascended the stairs to the stands with a pounding heart.

I found a seat in the vertical centre and took out my phone. I turned around and took a picture of me with the green football field in the background, waving my little flag with Burmore's colours and crest.

【The Three + y/n Chat】

y/n: [picture]

N: 😍

N: Lucky charm arrived!

D: is that fun on your face?

y/n: Good luck!!

B: Thank you.

The atmosphere was vibrant. The Burmore matches were a big thing. Not only students watched them, also many people from the city. People chattered, drums sounded and songs were shouted about Burmore being number one and Wilbury being stinking fishheads, in relation to the three fishes in their school's crest.

Thunderous applause resounded when the teams entered the field. I craned my neck to get a look at them. I found Dante, Nate and Ben rather quickly in between the 15 guys in midnight blue jerseys. Their faces were serious. They seemed calm and focussed.

Both teams stood side-ways in a row as the teams were announced. I couldn't help my eyes wandering over the three's muscular built and their shorts showing off their toned legs. 

Really? I thought ashamed as I caught myself ogling and quickly snatched my eyes off them. Instead, I searched for Taylor who also stood in the row with a tense face and his signature white hair band.

Dante stepped forward to meet the captain of the other team in the middle. They said something to the referee who threw a coin, deciding which team would kick-off. Dante and the opposing captain shook hands and the players took their positions on the field. Eleven of every team on the field, the rest on the bench.

The opponents seemed to have won the kick-off and one of their strikers started the game. It was fast and rough in an instant. Dante and Nate were aggressive strikers, Ben harmonized perfectly with them from central midfield. The three were a tough unit, which didn't surprise since they sometimes acted as if they had a telepathic connection.

I also wasn't surprised that Dante had no mercy when it came to tackling the other players. A few times he slipped just short of a yellow card. But Wilbury was as aggressive as them, delivering almost ninety minutes of a nasty fight.

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