6. Condemned by the Queen/ Absolved by the King

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Unfortunately, the three weren't the only school's elite that suddenly knew who I was since that cursed day in the ice-cream shop

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Unfortunately, the three weren't the only school's elite that suddenly knew who I was since that cursed day in the ice-cream shop.

I was just approaching my locker unsuspectingly when Ellie stepped into my way. She had her arms crossed over her chest. Her contemptuous gaze did not bode well. 

Adding to the intimidating impression were her three boyfriends stopping next to her and eyeing me. My gaze met Ben's for a split second, before I averted my eyes.

"You're not working for fun. You're just poor, aren't you?" Ellie wasn't super loud, but since the four of them had all attention on them as soon as they entered a room, I knew everyone had heard her. I felt the people around us still, eyes on us.

I shifted from one leg to the other.

It wasn't that I was ashamed of my background. But it made me uncomfortable to be marked as the poor kid, at least in comparison to everyone around at this renowned private school.

But I guessed that was her revenge for the ice cream face.

"Yes, I'm not working for fun. I'm working because I have to."

Her eyes shimmered triumphantly.

"I knew it. You may wear the uniform like everyone else, but I can see your cheap unbranded sneakers. Your school books are lent from the library. You walk from the bus stop every morning."

She listed all the things that revealed my comparatively low purchasing power like a detective convicting a criminal.

The spectators around began to whisper as the news spread like bushfire. Those people didn't know of my existence up to now why do they even care??

I felt my face heat and looked at the floor, not wanting anyone to see how embarrassed I was.

"You w-" Ellie began to continue her list.

"Ellie, leave it." A deep serious voice cut her off. I looked up to find to my surprise that Dante had spoken. He pulled at Ellie's arm, his face the typical cold. Nate and Ben ushered her from the other side and the four passed me without another word.


The next day, I found my locker broken up and filled with trash.

Wow, I thought, rolling my eyes. Such creativity. Such originality.

As I cleaned up my locker, I noticed people staring at me. Some whispered eagerly behind their hands, others sneered.

I had thought there was more going on in their lives, but it seemed, a schoolmate getting their locker littered was the most interesting thing in it.

As the school day went on, the stares and nasty giggles continued. And I wondered if there was something else going on. Were rumours spread about me?

My frown deepened when the comments started.

"Urgh, wash yourself." "Disgusting." "Filthy."

In the classes where I didn't sit alone anyway, people started to push my table away from theirs.

Guardedly, I sniffed my armpits, but smelled nothing except for my deodorant and a faint hint of washing powder.

I felt super awkward and completely lost. I couldn't handle attention. Especially not if it was malevolent. I had stayed one year under the radar and lived my life in peace. Why did Ellie have to do this to me? Yes, the ice cream shower I had given her hadn't been nice. But it had been a one-time thing without longitudinal consequences. Her little public investigation into my financial status on the other side would cling to me for weeks. I was basically an outlaw now.

When I stood in line for the food in the cafeteria, people kept an unusual distance to me. I could hear the occasional "urgh" and one boy felt the need to state loudly to his friend that he wouldn't touch me even if it brought world peace.

Okay, what the f? Are there some STD rumours going around? I was a virgin for fucks sake.

I kept my head down, shame gnawing at my insides. I felt like an antelope in a pit of hungry lions.

A shimmer of hope went through me when I saw Hebe and Svenja entering the dining hall. I waved at them. I needed company. Needed some friends around me to be able to ignore the nasty sneers and comments.

They threw me a small smile. But instead of joining me in the line, they lined up at the end of it. I gulped. Guess, they didn't want to get their share. I couldn't be mad at them. They were on the fangirl-level of popularity and would get steamrolled by Ellie's wrath just like me.

I flinched when something cold and wet smacked against my temple. I turned to the source and saw one of the rather popular boys smirking at me. He held his tray in one hand and in the other hand his spoon that he had used as a catapult for a little tomato sauce- assault.

I scowled at him and wiped away at my face. People snickered and laughed.

I looked up when they suddenly went silent.

I followed their gazes to Nate who was heading straight towards me. Yes, the Nate. Worshipped untouchable school royalty. My eyes widened. 

Please don't do something. Please don't humiliate me. Not you. I'd never recover from that. My gaze was imploring while he closed in on me with an expressionless face. 

He lifted his hand and reached behind my back. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself for the worst, for the pinnacle of humiliation. I felt his hand against my back, then a scratching sound. 

When nothing happened further, I opened my eyes. They met Nate's stern golden ones. He held out a piece of paper to me which said "smelly cunt" in thick letters. The Duct Tape at the sides indicated that it had been stuck to my back a few seconds ago. And probably the whole day. 

My face faltered. I looked back into Nate's face. He didn't laugh, didn't smirk. He didn't seem as if he was here to humiliate me further. I took the paper from him. 

Wordlessly, he turned away. On his way back to the table, he rammed his shoulder against the boy who had attacked me with the tomato sauce. He lost his balance and fell with his pasta spilling on top of him.

I lowered my eyes onto the paper in my hand. The nasty words blurred before my eyes. I rumpled it in my fist and quickly walked out of the cafeteria just in time before the first tear rolled down my cheek.


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