↬ authors note ↫

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Dear readers,

first of all to all the nice and respectful readers: I'm sorry that I stretched out this story in the last chapters. I was so fixated to have the finale at prom and forgot to push the timeline forward in the previous chapters. And because I wanted to post every five days, I couldn't change things anymore in the previous (already posted) chapters when I realized, I was stuck.
Now I got some respectful criticism on that, that I totally understand. I myself am not happy with the stretching of the story. Please believe me, it's hard to write a good ending. It's my first English story that I'm going to finish and I intend to learn from my mistakes. I really want to make this a good reading experience for you.
I'm at a point where I want to change the ending. Delete the last few chapters and do it differently. Shorter, less drama and more on point.
What do you think about that?

I'm also at a point where I don't want to be on wattpad anymore. I got a lot of rude and disrespectful comments on this. Things these people would probably never say to me like this in real life. But welcome to the internet. I know, it's normal here to be hurt, degraded and utterly demotivated. But I'm sensitive, okay? And it's come to a point where I fear uploading. I feel bad while writing, don't dare anything anymore, don't write freely because of the fear to get rude and disrespectful remarks on it. Yeah, I'm a total pussy. But I put too much effort and rare free time into my work to not be affected by rude people shitting on my work. I don't see a point in posting here if it makes me feel bad and small.

Since there are too many friendly people here for whom I love writing too much to give it up (and I also have too many new story-ideas in my head that I want to share with you), I decided to just block the toxicity instead of leaving. I know, not the toughest move, but I'm here to feel good and learn and not to feel like shit. 

So, if you have an opinion on if I should continue like this or get back a few chapters and make it round, please comment♡

Sidegirl (Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now