47. Bans and Tantrums

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TW: Mention of mental illness

TW: Mention of mental illness

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。:°✽ Back in y/n's room 。:°✽

I was lying in my bed, binge-ate chocolate, ignoring the ache in my stomach, and stared at the cartoon playing on my laptop.

My eyes were so puffy from crying that my vision was restricted. I probably looked like one of those Walking Dead zombies that were stuck in a water puddle or a lake. Those looked the worst. But I refused to face a mirror. I didn't want to acknowledge my existence because right now, existence was nothing but pain.

The cartoon I watched was completely stupid. I felt my brain cells collapse one after the other while watching it. It was fit for primary school children at a max. But I couldn't watch anything that had even slight depth. It only took a whiff of emotional depth, a few seconds of gloomy music, and I was knocked out with another teary break-down.

I froze when I heard the doorbell ring. The doorbell in front of our house. Not the bell that guests used to contact us from in front of the gate that surrounded the Reom property. Consequently, it was someone who could enter the property themselves. I clutched Mr Squirrels tightly with a drumming heart.

My mum's steps sounded in the hallway below.

"I cannot believe it's those three," she muttered upset and my eyes widened.

I couldn't hold myself back, jumped up and scurried to the window of the small hallway of the second story and stared out of it. I knew it was fatal for my heart, but I needed to see them. I just couldn't help. Just one glimpse.

My breathing hitched as I looked out the window, the very moment, the three looked up. As expected, my heart contracted and the pain that I had numbed with hours of silly cartoons was unleashed again with just one glance of three pairs of eyes – golden, grey and pitch-black. I stumbled backwards into my room and buried my face in my pillow as a new crying fit took over me.

No, I couldn't have a reasonable talk with them now. I couldn't bear their sorry-you-fell-for-the-untouchable and let's-stay-friends right now. Maybe in 10 years, when my heart wouldn't crash anymore from just a glimpse at them.

✦✧Outside the house...✦✧

"Y/N!," Dante yelled at the window where not moments ago her figure had appeared and disappeared. He jolted at the handle of the low garden gate, making flakes of the old white paint fall off.

"Y/n, please, we need to talk. Please. We're sorry." Nate added with a pleading look at the empty window.

Dante finally jumped over the low gate and Ben and Nate quickly followed and jogged up to the front door.

Just as they reached it, it was pulled open and a furious Mrs. l/n appeared in the door frame.

"YOUUUU," she seethed, "you naughty spoiled brats. My little baby is suffering and crying her eyes out for days because of you ruthless jocks. Playing with her heart like she's one of your football games. You should be ashamed. If I was your mother, I'd ground you for the rest of your miserable lives for hurting an innocent girl like this. I will tell you to leave this property once and if I ever see you near this house again, I'm going to call the police."

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