23. Favourite Sweets

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In the evening, I still couldn't wrap my head around what had happened with Dante earlier

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In the evening, I still couldn't wrap my head around what had happened with Dante earlier. I was constantly touching my lips, remembering the feel of his on mine and the fierceness of his touch on my body. It still made me weak in the knees. 

This had been my first kiss. And it had felt overwhelmingly good. But still, it had been my first kiss with a man who didn't love me. The latter was a gnawing feeling in the back of my head. I had always thought I'd have my first kiss with my boyfriend. A kiss that would be about love and not just physical passion. But damn that passion was smouldering. And even though I knew it was silly, I didn't want to resist it.

Thick grey clouds hung threatening above the city when I headed to the grocery-store. My parents had sent me there with a long list of necessities. Since both of them had long working-hours, it was usually my job to keep the fridge filled. I held my nose into the chilling breeze and smelled the impending rain.

Under the right circumstances, I would have looked forward to the outdoor evening shower. But right now, I was rather concerned that I had to transport the groceries to the bus stop and back home without having thought of an umbrella. I hurried up and stepped into the store.

If I am fast enough, I may be able to stay dry...

I picked all the items on the list quickly. I was lucky that the line at the checkout was waning fast since it was dominated by spontaneous Friday-night purchases: Giggling girls buying a bottle of sparkling wine and strawberries, a middle-aged man in sweatpants buying a frozen pizza extra spicy and a group of boys, buying a bunch of energy-drinks while eyeing the sparkling wine girls who were probably twice their age.

I checked out and paid.

The very moment, I stepped out of the store, I felt wet drops on my hair. I sighed. Yey.

I continued my walk to the bus stop along the big road while the rain increased.

I turned around when a familiar Aston Martin sports car came to a halt next to me.

"Y/n?" Nate let his window down and looked at me surprised, "Come inside, you'll catch a cold."

I didn't need to be told twice and got inside, placing my groceries between my legs.

A look at his sports bag on the backseat and his comfy joggers and fluffy hair told me that he was just coming from his training. At Fridays they tended to train long hours.

"What are you doing at Friday night alone in the city?" He directed us back onto the road.

"Grocery shopping." I pointed at my shopping bags.

He nodded and started to gnaw on his lip.


I looked at him expectantly.

"Should I drop you off at home or..." He looked out the window, then threw me a small smile, "Or, um, do you want to come with me? You've never been at my place."

I watched him for a moment. I was really curious about his place and... everything that was awaiting me there. I slid a bit deeper into the seat.

"Sure, we can go to your place. My parents are out tonight anyway," I agreed.


Nate lived in one of those fancy architecturally complex modern mansions.

He parked in an underground garage next to a few other cars. We took the lift to get to the main floor. I looked around the furnishing that was clearly arranged by an interior designer.

"It's beautiful," I told him impressed.

"Yeah." He smiled and scratched the back of his neck, "Come, I show you the fridge, so we can keep your purchases cool."

The kitchen area was open and as clean and sleek as the rest of the house. Together, we put the groceries that needed cooling in the spacious fridge.

Nate grabbed a bag of sweets from my purchases and grinned.

"(Favourite sweets)," he read, "They were on your parent's list, too?"

"Haha," I chuckled.

"Are they your favourite sweets?"

"At the moment, yes." I shrugged, "Why?"

"Always good to know."

"I don't like them so much that you can bribe me with them." I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

"And why should I want to do that?" Nate asked, angling for a yoghurt in my shopping bag.

"Thought that's your style. Bribing, nobbling, shady deals..." I looked at him with mischief in my eyes, then added, "To get your friends to spread their legs for you."

I could observe how his breathing hitched and his eyes darkened several shades before they slid down and up my body.

He cleared his throat.

"It's a mutually beneficial deal." He put the last yoghurt in the fridge and closed it.

"Is it?" A sudden bravery that only Nate could elicit in me, made me step up to him.

I took one of his golden locks and twirled it between my fingers.

"Honestly, I think you made a bad bargain," I whispered.

The tip of his tongue appeared in the corner of his mouth as he licked his lips.

"And why do you think that?" His voice was low and hoarse.

"Because I can't even count the number of beautiful girls who would sleep with you for free. It's completely unnecessary to bribe one to get laid."

Suddenly, his hands fastened around my waist and he spun us around. I released a squeal of surprise. He lifted me with ease on the kitchen counter and pressed my legs left and right of his hips. When he leaned his forehead against mine, my insides felt like cotton candy.

"This is not about getting laid. This is about getting laid by you."

His mouth wandered along my cheek to my ear. His breath tickled my skin softly.

"And I think, you are the one who made a bad bargain. You contented yourself with 500 a month when I would have given you every amount you asked for."

My eyes widened from his words as well as from him nibbling on my earlobe. Damn.

I closed my eyes and suppressed a moan.

"God, you're so needy," I tried to sound tough, but it came out a bit shaky.

"Yes, I am completely and utterly needy for you."

A high-pitched tone escaped me when he bit into my earlobe.

Then he took a step back to look into my eyes.

"Come, I want to show you my room."

Heavily breathing, I look down at his extended hand, before I took it.


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