20. Wedding date? 💞

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It's been two months and Jk finally arranged all the things that Mrs Jeon demanded with the help of his two brothers. Yesterday he handed everything to Mr D'Souza cuz today they are gonna visit Jeon Mansion to hand over it to Mrs Jeon and decide the wedding date.

Jin entered the kitchen and was about to prepare tea but Mrs Jeon stopped her.

Mrs Jeon- Yaah how many times should I say don't work in such condition. What if something happened to my grandson?

Mrs Jeon is hoping that this time Jin will give birth to a boy only cuz once she asked to a priest regarding gender of the unborn child to which he said that it will be a boy. So Mrs Jeon is being extra cautious towards Jin.

Jin- B..but I was just making tea Mummy ji.

Mrs Jeon- Then you could have told me. I will prepare tea for you. You just go and rest.

Jin- But I have been resting since morning.

Mrs Jeon- You still have the habit of arguing with people; right?

Jin- I am sorry.

Jin lowered her gaze and went out of the kitchen. Mrs Jeon kept the vessel on the stove angrily.

Mrs Jeon- So now this maharani wants tea. Just cuz she is carrying my grandson I have to bear her tantrums otherwise I would always keep her under my feet.

Saying this she half heartedly prepared tea for Jin.

At around 6 PM Namgikook were back from work.

Mrs Jeon- Kook what Taehyung likes to eat? Since they are coming here tonight so I wanna cook her favorite food.

Jk- I don't know what she likes but she really hates wrong things.

Saying this he walked towards his room.

Jk's relation with Mrs Jeon is not like before. He doesn't talks with her much and keeps on taunting her about the dowry thing whenever he gets chance.

Jk entered his room and throwed away his bag angrily cuz it was the second case he lost from none other than his own girlfriend. He is not understanding what happened to him suddenly that he's not able to give his best in the courtroom. He undressed himself except boxers and went in the bathroom to have a warm shower.

Yg came out of the bathroom after freshening up and took his phone to call Jimin. After almost 15 rings she picked his call.

Yg- Where are you? Don't you know Taehyung and her dad is coming at our house?

Jm- So what should I do? I already told you my work load increased a lot. I will be back by 11 PM.

Yg- Jimin are you serious? It's been a month you are coming late everyday. You aren't the only one working. We are also working but we know how to remove time for family.

Jm- Don't give your lecture on family and all. I have my photoshoot left. I will hang up now.

Jm is getting multiple offers for modeling from several big agencies all thanks to Mr Park. He is trying to win Jimin's trust by making her popular in the field of modeling so that he could swiftly trap her in his game.

NJ came out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He wore his pant and shirt. He was buttoning his shirt that's when Jin entered inside. She kept coffee mug on the table and turned to go from there but stopped when NJ groaned in irritation.

Jin noticed NJ's shirt's upper button was loose which came out when he tried to button up.

Jin- S..shall I help you?

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