60. Karwachauth ❤️

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It's around 3:45 am in the morning. Jm and Tae are in the livingroom waiting for Jin to join them. After few minutes Jin came out with three plates and kept on the table.

Tae- Oh my God! It's too much

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Tae- Oh my God! It's too much. Do we have to eat everything?

Jin- Yes. Fill your stomach as much as you can before the sunrise. After that you won't even get to have a sip of water.

Tae- I will try to finish but you served so many dishes Jin di.

Jin- This much is needed to keep us energized for the whole day. Even though we keep fast still we can't sit at one place and give orders to others. We have to look after household chores as well and for that we need energy dear.

Tae- Right.

Jin glanced at Jm who kept only an apple and one banana in her plate. 

Jin- What happened Jm? Why did you removed other dishes? You love kheer; right?

Jm- Yeah; but I am really not hungry di. I will have these fruits.

Jin- But you might feel hungry later.

Jm- Don't worry. I won't feel hungry.

Jin- Okay but atleast have this milk.

Jm- But....

Jin- No buts and all. I won't listen to you. (said while keeping the glass of milk in Jm's plate)

Jm- Okay.

Three of them had their meal while giggling and chit chatting. After that they went back to their respective rooms.

At 9 am

Jk came out of the bathroom after taking shower. He noticed Tae in a red anarkali. She was styling her hairs while looking in the mirror.

Jk walked towards her and back hugged her.

Jk- What's so special today; huh? Why you have to look so hot in red?

Tae chuckled at Jk's words. She turned to face him and pecked his cheek.

Tae- Today is karwa chauth my babies dada.

Jk- Ohh that's the reason. So are you fasting?

Tae- Offcourse. I want you to live longer.

Jk- That's so stupid. If my life will increase by making you starve then I think no man would die before their wife.

Tae- Shut up. Don't disrespect this precious festival. Don't you know how much important this festival is for couples.

Jk- I know and we will celebrate it but you don't have to starve yourself for that.

Tae- But that's how it works Koo and I am not gonna starve myself. I already filled my stomach with loads of food early in the morning. I don't think so I will get hungry anytime soon.

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