41. Angel 🌸

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*Mr Jeon is at a religious trip with his friends so can't participate in few upcoming chapters. Was thinking to kill this Buddha as it is he is of no use. Can't even handle his bitch wife.

Anyway; enjoy reading!!

Today Jk went out early in the morning as he had some work while Tae was busy working on Jm's case.

NJ left for the company. He asked Yg to be present as well cuz he was on leave since last one week to stay with Jm. But today is an important meeting so he has to go to the company.

Jm- You are leaving me again? (asked with slight teary eyes)

Yg- I am not leaving you baby. I have to go to company. I already ditched my work a lot.

Jm- You can't work from home?

Yg- I will try but today I have to go. There's one important meeting. (said by caressing Jm's cheeks)

Jm nodded her head sadly.

Yg- I will try to come back as soon as possible; hmm?

Jm smiled lightly at Yg.

Yg- I have placed your breakfast on the table. During lunch time please fetch some food from the kitchen; okay?

Jm nodded her head hesitatingly. Yg pecked her forehead and left for work after waving goodbye at her.


At around 3 pm

Jm was constantly gazing at the clock as she was damn hungry and wanted to have her lunch but decided to wait till the kitchen is empty. Usually Jin and Mrs Jeon have lunch till two. So Jm thought to go an hour later hoping no one might be present in the kitchen.

She walked down but as she entered inside she noticed Jin and Mrs Jeon were having their lunch.

Jin- Have a seat Jimin. I will serve you.

Mrs Jeon- No need Jin. I don't wanna eat food with this slut infront of me. Don't know what her parents taught her? Always want men around her. Pathetic girl.

Jm felt hurt at Mrs Jeon's words. Her eyes became teary.

Mrs Jeon- Uff again these crocodile tears. If you are that hungry then have this. (said by forwarding one burnt chapati and chutney)

Jm lips wobbled. She lowered her head and left for her room without saying a word.

Mrs Jeon and Jin had lunch quickly and placed the dishes in the sink.

Mrs Jeon went in her room to rest for sometime while Jin was still in the kitchen.

When Jin was sure Mrs Jeon won't come out of her room she hurriedly served food for Jm in a plate and decided to take it to her room. She climbed the stairs with much difficulty by keeping hand on her baby bump.

Jin pushed the door and entered inside Jm's room. She found her crying while sitting at one corner of the bed.

Jin walked towards her and sat beside Jm. She shook her shoulder diverting her attention. Jm lifted her head with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Jin- Don't cry Jimin. Here; have some food. I bought your favourite matar paneer as well. You will like it.

Jm- I..I..will eat later. (said by wipping her tears)

Jin- Don't mind mummy ji's words. Soon she will realise that you wasn't wrong.

Jm- Hmm.

Jin- Now don't be sad and taste this and tell me how's it. (said by feeding chapati dipped in matar panner to Jm)

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