40. Loving you to forget pain❤️ (M)

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It's been a week Taekook got busy with Jm's case. They informed Hobi as well and tried to seek his help. Hobi assured them and promised to help in every way it's possible for him.

Tae is working on laptop while lying on her stomach with her glasses on. Various files, papers are scattered here and there on the bed with Tae in between. Jk is lying on the couch studying the reports which Hobi sent him.

Jk- Babe.

Tae- Hmm?

Jk- This Park has been purchasing that drug since last two years that too in bulk quantities.

Tae widened her eyes and turned to look at Jk.

Tae- Really?

Jk- Yeah; come here and have a look at this report.

Tae went towards Jk and directly sat on his crotch.

Jk- Aish! Where are you sitting?

Tae- Ohh sorry. But why is it hard; huh? It poked my butt. What naughty naughty you are thinking while working? (said while shifting to his thighs)

Jk- Shut up. It's not hard.

Tae- Then shall I make it hard? (asked while rubbing Jk's clothed member)

Jk- Focus on the case. Otherwise Mr Shin will give you a taste of loss. (said by slapping away Tae's hand)

Tae squinted her eyebrows at Jk and asked in confusion.

Tae- Why will Mr Shin give me taste of loss?

Jk- Cuz he is standing against you.

Tae- WHAT? (yelled by standing from her place)

Jk- What happened? Why are you shocked? You are acting as if you don't know he is Bogum's lawyer.

Tae- Offcourse I didn't knew he is the one fighting against me.

Jk- But day before yesterday I handed you the court's notice and asked you to read it. His name was clearly mentioned there.

Tae- Ohh no. I thought to read it later but forgot. I can't believe I have to fight against Mr Shin. He is India's top most lawyer Koo and we are nothing compared to him.

Jk- So what if he is India's top most lawyer. You aren't less than him.

Tae- It's not like that but experience matters as well. He is in this field since last fifty years and we are nowhere near him. I don't think so I can take this case. It's not possible for me.

Jk- What's wrong with you babe? Why are you getting scared of him? You have fought with Mr Joshi who almost had same experience as him and you still won.

Tae- But what if I lost now? I can't take risk Koo. It's really impossible for me to win against Mr Shin. I..I..will loose. I..I..don't..wanna take this case. I will be guilty for my life if that Bogum won. (said with teary eyes)

Jk- Why are you crying then? I know you can do this. You are getting scared for no reason.

Tae- I..can't..do..this..Koo. I will loose for sure. W..we..should appoint someone as capable as Mr Shin. I.. can't take this case. (said while trying to control her tears)

Jk- No way. You have to handle this case. I trust you. You will win.

Tae- I won't. He's more experienced and capable than me and he never lost any case yet.

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