36. Mr Park's dirty game 😔

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Surprise! Surprise! I know you all weren't expecting this. Enjoy reading and don't forget to drop your precious comments. 😘😘

Everyone is at the dinning table except Taekook. Jm served breakfast to everyone and took her seat.

Taekook got dressed in formal wear and was about to walk out of their room but Jk stopped her grabbing her wrist.

Jk- No talking with anyone nor staying closer to them. Sit in the livingroom. I will bring our breakfast there.

Tae- Okay.

Jk- And don't argue even if anyone open their mouth.

Tae- But I won't stay quite if they will accuse me for something I haven't done.

Jk- You never listen to me; right?

Tae- Okay sorry. I will do as you say.

Taekook walked downstairs. Tae sat on the couch while Jk went in the dinning room to take their breakfast.

Yg- What happened Kook? You aren't having breakfast with us? Taehyung also didn't came.

Jk- She is in the livingroom bhai. We will have our breakfast there itself.

Yg- Kook don't be like this. We are family. Sit with everyone and have breakfast with us.

Jk- I know bhai we are family but it will be good if Tae stays away from everyone. She won't create trouble for anyone.

NJ- I know to whom you are taunting Kook. It was your wife's fault yesterday and day before yesterday as well.

Jk- That's why I am keeping my wife away from everyone bhai. If you have other solution then tell me.

Mrs Jeon- Kook how you are talking with Joon? He is your big brother.

NJ- He has also lost his all manners by staying with that mannerless girl mummy.

Jk- Time will tell who is mannerless here.


Yg- Bhai please calm down.

Jk- I am sorry. I shouldn't had came to take breakfast.

Saying this Jk kept the plate back on the table and walked out from there. Yg went behind him to stop him.

Jk- Get up. We will have our breakfast at cafe. (said to Tae)

Tae nodded her head as she was herself sad cuz she heard what all NJ said.

Yg went towards Taekook and stopped them.

Yg- Kook let it be. He is our big brother. Don't mind his words and have something then leave for work.

Jk- Thanks bhai but we are getting late. We will have something on the way. Take care. (said with a small smile)

Both went out and walked towards their car. They were about to get inside the car but Mrs Jeon came running towards them with their lunch boxes.

Mrs Jeon- Atleast take your lunch box Kook.

Jk- Thanks mummy.

Mrs Jeon- You three are brothers Kook and always support each other. What if Joon scolded you? You will get this much mad at him? (said while caressing Jk's cheek)

Jk- I am not mad at him mummy. I just don't like him accusing Tae for harming their child. Aren't we related to his baby? Why will she try to harm the baby?

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