2. Become My Escape

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Please like and comment so I know that Wattpad readers are into Will Ramos as much and I am! L lol thanks for reading!

The entire next day, Will and Charlotte spent their time together, feeling so natural and comfortable in each other's presence. Will did have to continue their small U.S tour, but he made it a point to communicate with Charlotte daily, whether it was calling or text. They got to know each other on a deeper level  the more they talked, and Charlotte, someone whom was normally reserved and private, was opening up little by little. She shared with Will that she had been cheated on in the past, and her most recent ex would constantly gaslight her and would make her feel isolated and like she was imagining things. She held onto him for too long and struggled with self love.
Charlotte had lost both her parents at a young age, and she had to fend for herself and grow up quickly.

Will admired this about her and loved the maturity she carried on her shoulders but hated the pain that she had to go through that helped shape her. He became more intrigued with her daily, eventually upgrading to face time. They became so intertwined in one anothers daily lives, that Will's band members started talking to her as well in the background when they were all on the tour bus and Will would be carrying his phone around constantly. The guys liked the new distraction, as Will, also, had been mistreated by someone he loved before he met Charlotte. The guys were happy to see him contented, even if they suspected that the two's sudden attachment was very quick. At the end of the day, their friend was happy, and Charlotte had a great head on her shoulders and was very independent. This was already a step up from Will's controlling ex.
Lorna Shore eventually finished their tour in a few months. Although Will had expressed throughout the whole tour that he was anxious to go home, he decided to come back to New York immediately, and surprise Charlotte at the tattoo shop a day after she knew their tour had ended.

She was tattooing a normal client of hers, while Krys was also across the way tattooing her client as well. They had the type of shop that was a very safe space and everyone in there felt emotionally and physically comfortable and contented. Friends amongst friends. They had loyal clientele and their clients loved the open floor plan so that they could engage in conversation with both the artists and their clients who were almost always just as "chill" and welcoming. Everyone was tattooing or being tattooed, and sharing laughs, when the door chime rang.
Charlotte and Krys could both see the entrance from where they were seated. They were greeted by a man in a hoodie holding a large bouquet of black roses. It took Charlotte a moment to register who she was looking at.

Will stood in front of her with a huge grin on his face, pushing his hoodie back to reveal his perfect, blonde curls that framed his welcoming face.
"What are you doing here!?" Charlotte questioned, showing her dimples with her grin that matched Will's energy not believing who she was seeing.
Will looked at her and simply shrugged jokingly.

"I missed you." he said as a matter-of-factly. Charlotte stood up immediately completely forgetting her surroundings and her small audience. She felt her heart beat quickly against her chest. She tore off her gloves hastily and ran over to Will, who welcomed her with open arms. They had never shared a kiss, but Charlotte was tempted, but held herself back. Will picked her up and hugged her tightly, also tempted but was worried it wasn't the right time in front of everyone, respecting that Charlotte was shy.

"I can't believe you're here," Charlotte said, breathing a sigh of relief.  She buried her face into his neck and couldn't help but to leave a gentle kiss to show how much she missed him. She felt so special that he just ended an exhausting tour, and instead of going home to Jersey, he came back to her instead. He squeezed her tightly again and decided to put her down so they could both take in each other's presense.

Will and Charlotte locked eyes, both grinning from ear to ear. They were interuppted by Krys clearing her throat. Of course, Charlotte had told her everything about Will and how much she liked him throughout the months that they kept in touch.

"You must be Will." Krys spoke coming up next to Charlotte and extending her hand. She was happy for her best friend but also protective, suspicious that Will could potentially be another jerk. She was going to be nice to him but was going to be looking for red flags out of love for her friend.

Will chuckled and grasped Krys' hand shaking it and smiling at her warmly.

"It's good to meet Charlotte's other man," he joked. Charlotte felt her cheeks get hot at the thought of him referring to himself as her significant other. As much as she wanted it to happen, she was still a little nervous to open up to somebody again.

"I decided I didn't want to be away from her for too much longer." Will confessed, locking eyes with Charlotte again.
Every time Will looked at her, she felt her insides melt, and almost forgot there was anyone else in the room.

"Well, homie, Charlotte and I are in the middle of working" she slightly chuckled as Charlotte quickly looked over to her, shocked that she was being just a little rude to him. Will respected that and returned Krys' small attitude with a warm smile.

"No worries," Will replied. "I figured if you girls need help around here, I can be your "apprentice/slave" and help you guys out with the cleaning and front desk while I'm here."

"Sure, if you want to make yourself useful," Krys responded with a challenging smirk.

Charlotte smacked her arm playfully almost wanting to say "down girl", but she loved having a protective friend. She also liked that Will was not intimidated by this, and was insisting that he help us out, respecting their hustle and not wanting to distract them.

"Then, if you ladies are free tonight I would love to take you both out to dinner, if you're up to it." Will insisted. Krys looked at Charlotte. They had such kindred spirits that they could communicate via different eye movements and facial expressions. Charlotte could tell Will was slowly killing her with kindness, and by the look on Krys' face, it was working.

It didn't take long before Krys gave into Will and decided she just couldn't keep being mean to him. He seemed like such a genuinely sweet person and she was curious to see how long Will would be willing to spend time in New York City. She loved seeing Charlotte smile so much, and decided she was going to try and give this guy a fair chance.

Until My Final Breath Escapes~ A Will Ramos Romance~Where stories live. Discover now