52. A world without you isn't meant for me

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*5 months later*

Will was driving down the road with Charlotte beside him in the passenger seat. His fingers were entangled with Charlotte's and their hands rested in her lap like always. Her baby bump had grown to be huge and she was about ready to pop any day now.

After that day at the hospital, Charlotte never went back to the tattoo shop and it caused a big divide between her and Krys. Krys wasn't very understanding in the fact that she couldn't work there anymore, not wanting to be at risk with the baby at this point. Victoria and her two friends ended up getting charged appropriately for the attack on Krys and Charlotte and they were all paying the price for their actions.

Will was pleased over the last few months that he was able to have Charlotte home more and being able to go through the motions of the pregnancy right belong side her. He knew deep down that she missed tattooing with her entire being, and he wanted to surprise her today with something he had been working on for months.

This morning Will took her out to breakfast and he told her they had to just "make a pit stop" before he promised to take her shopping for some new things for the baby.

Although Charlotte felt like a part of her was missing without her art, she did feel fulfilled in other ways with how attentive Will had been to her these last five months. Although he just recently was able to finish the album with Lorna Shore, he found a perfect balance between putting in time to his craft, and also dedicating the rest of his time to Charlotte.

Everyone in Lorna Shore had agreed they wouldn't start a tour until after the baby was born and had been home for a few months. Will was more focused on his family than anything else and the guys all understood that. Things between him and Austin were finally getting back to a better place. Things had been rocky for a while, as Will fought with the thought that Austin and Krys would semi responsible for Charlotte getting jumped that night and it tool Will a while to be able to let go of the anger.

Will turned down a side street and Charlotte was trying to figure out where they might be going. She looked out the window at the beautiful autumn foliage and watched the golden leaves wisp across the road as Will drove.

They came to a cute little suburban area not too far away from their house and they pulled up to a desolate parking lot.

"Babe what are we doing?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow thinking this was random.

"I have to show you something." Will parked in front of a large, white, marble building that almost resembled an old-aged gothic structure. It was beautiful architecture with pointed arches and glass windows.

"Is this a church?" Charlotte looked at him just naturally impatient and wanting to know what they were doing there and she noticed him smirking at her, "babe?"

Will laughed. "Yes it used to be a church. No, we won't burn alive if we go in. I promise." Will joked and he got out of the car then came to Charlotte's side to open her door for her. She looked at him puzzlingly but climbed out of the car.

Will let out a deep exhale and he grabbed her hand, walking with her toward the tall, arched doors. Charlotte grew more confused seeing Will and a key to open the place. He opened the door and looked at her encouraging her to step inside.

Charlotte walked in hesitantly, but coulnt help but to gasp at all of the beauty in front of her. The interior matched the marble on the outside of the exquisite structure. Marble everywhere, with accents of gold surrounded the generous space. Charlottes eyes widened seeing multiple mirrors on the walls that were framed in golden filigree. There were beautifully constructed arches that sectioned off small work stations that were set up to be tattooing booths. There were various classic paintings that were by artists that Will knew were Charlotte's favorites. The paintings varied from Caravaggio to Van Gogh and were also accented in golden frames. Charlotte looked around at the elegant tattoo parlor and turned around to look back at Will.
Will started to grin.

"Char...I know you sacrificed a lot and have been feeling unhappy that you haven't been able to do what you've loved for these last few months. I wanted to do something for you..."

"What?!" Charlotte squeaked seeing his smile already knowing what he was about to say but still not believing what was happening.

"The thought of you going back to your old shop was scary to me and I didn't want you to have to work back in the city so...this is your new shop baby...it's in a nice part of town and there's plenty of space for you to hire other artists if you want. I just...I want you to look forward to knowing that you will be tattooing again someday soon after the baby comes and you'll be able to do what you love again."

Charlottes eyes watered and she put her hand over her mouth was speechless.
She had known Will loved her and wanted to see her safe and happy, but she never expected for him to do anything this extravagant for her.
"You did all of this for me?!" She had felt loved by him this entire time without material things, and she never thought anyone would ever do something like this for her in her entire life time.

"I don't deserve you, Will!" She cried and went to him hugging him tightly, "this is crazy!"

"You deserve the world baby. And I know you'll kill it." Charlotte stood on her tip toes and kissed Will passionately through her happy tears. She was both elated and astonished that she couldn't believe this was her own shop to call her own. She already knew before this that she was lucky to have Will, but she just couldn't believe that she lucked out this much to find a guy like him. He provided, he was selfless, and he made her feel loved every day. She was on top of the world with him.

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