10. You Took Me By Surprise

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Later on that night, the sun had already went down when Will came in to the front door. It had been a long day of interviews and he couldn't wait to come home to Charlotte and unwind.
The lights were on but he didn't see his lovely girl who usually greeted him right when he came in.
"Char?" Will called out listening for her.
"In here!"
Will smiled to himself smelling something good and walked toward the kitchen. His heart almost beat through his chest when he saw that Charlotte had prepared a steak dinner for him and set up some candle light.
"I wanted to do something special for you." She smiled, seeing Wills face and she could tell he was surprised. His eyes lit up and his smile was beaming.
"Babe! This is for me?!"
"You deserve it my love." Charlotte walked over to Will, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tip toes to kiss him. Will leaned down closing his eyes and snaking his arms around her waist.
He kissed her passionately and they made their way over to the table and took a seat.
"Some days I really think I don't deserve you." Will smiled and pulled his chair next to hers and held her hand.
They ate and chatted, occasionally feeding each other. Will couldn't help but to repeatedly praise her for her amazing cooking skills.
On the inside, he was mostly taken back, just astounded she did this for him.  No one was ever this thoughtful. He never felt more loved by anyone and in return, he wanted to be able to give her the world.

After finishing their meal, laughing together for a bit, Char had her legs resting across Will's lap and he was rubbing her feet.

Will looked over at her raising his eyebrows suggestively.
" I think, that we should go to our room so I can properly thank you for this amazing dinner."
Charlotte giggled at his face. How could it be possible that someone be so cute but so devilish?

"Hmmm... I would love that." Charlotte smirked, "BUT....I have something for you first."
Charlotte stood and walked away out of the room for a minute then came right back holding a small black gift bag. It had a matte black bow.
"Babe, it's not even my birthday!" Will teased, wondering what she would possibly be getting for him.
"Well, consider it an early birthday gift." Charlotte giggled handing it to him and leaning down to give him a gentle peck on the lips.

Will kissed her back very curious as to what it could be and he noticed Charlotte was still standing. He looked down, opening the bag cautiously and pulling out the gift wrap. Charlotte could practically hear her heart thumping in her ears hating the suspense.
He furrowed his eyebrows slightly confused, pulling out the smallest pair of converse chucks he's ever seen.......
Then he paused......
He saw something else at the bottom of the bag. He looked to Charlotte, who was nervously nibbling on her lip.
Will felt a smile tugging at the edges of his lips and reached in. He pulled out a little bag, and on the inside of the plastic bag was a pregnancy test..........two lines.......
Will felt a shiver over his whole body and his mouth dropped open in astonishment.
"Char...." was the only thing Will managed to utter, flabbergasted.
"Char?!" He repeated with his eyes tearing up just overwhelmed with emotions connecting the two gifts. He finally looked to Charlotte who was standing there, her eyes also filled with tears.
"Oh my god baby...." Will stood up and quickly wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a loving embrace.
"You're pregnant?! You're really pregnant?!" Will couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Charlotte laughed and nodded, sniffling and holding onto him tightly.
"Baby, I can't believe it! Holy shit!" He shouted with excitement in his voice. Charlotte chuckled with her eyes still welling up just enveloped in so many different emotions. She was scared as hell, and part of her was nervous that he wouldn't be happy about it. She was beyond relieved that Will seemed so excited over the news.
"I love you so much, Will." Charlotte cried out relieved she wouldn't be alone in this. Will rested his forehead to hers closing his eyes.
"I love you more.....I wouldn't want to be on this journey with anybody else babe."  He kissed her lovingly and rested his hand on her stomach.
There was actually a small life beginning to grow, half of him and half of the woman he loved. This felt surreal.

Until My Final Breath Escapes~ A Will Ramos Romance~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora