9. A Wrinkle In Time

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Depending on if I get any feedback, maybe I'll update this twice a week or so. I guess we will see how it goes 🥹 it's been a while since I've written this much and I honestly hope I don't lose the motivation because I feel good about this one. Show me some love and thanks if you're reading!
Will and Charlotte spent the next couple of weeks searching for a place to live that would be in the middle of New York City and Trenton. They wanted it to be fair to both of them. It would only be about a 30 minute commute for Charlotte when she had to go to the shop. She decided she would work longer days, but less days, so that she could find the balance between working and maintaining a healthy relationship with Will.
Will's love language was quality time, and she realized she had been neglecting this before when she was overworking.

The commute for Will to the studio was about the same. It didn't take long until they found a loft-style apartment in a suburban area. The guys were happy to hear that they were going strong and they helped their friend move into his new place. Charlotte was in incredibly witty and sweet, and all the guys absolutely loved her for Will.

Will and Charlotte felt stronger in their relationship more than ever. It was healthy that they went their separate ways during the day allowing them some time to miss each other. It brought comfort to both of them knowing that, at the end of the day, they would be coming home to each other every night and fall asleep in each others arms.

This particular afternoon, Will had a couple of interviews with the band and Charlotte decided to have Krys over as both ladies had the day off today.
They had ordered lunch in and were sharing a few maki rolls from Charlotte's favorite sushi place and watching a funny show called I Think You Should Leave. Krys and Charlotte had foolish senses of humor and loved "stupid" sketch comedies.
In the middle of chewing a salmon roll, charlottes favorite, she all of a sudden felt a queasiness in her stomach that had been sneaking up on her randomly for the past few days.
Krys noticed the uneasy look on her friend's face and knew something was up.

"Is everything okay?" Krys asked, growing concerned.

Charlotte went to answer just assuming maybe she was coming down with something, but before she could answer her friend, she felt the food in her stomach coming back up.
She instantly ran to the bathroom and heaved as she emptied her stomach.
No longer hungry, Krys ran to her  aid and came to comfort her as she rubbed her back.
Charlotte stayed there a few minutes, groaning slightly and her cheeks grew hot with embaressment.

"I'm sorry girl," Charlotte breathed as she flushed the toilet and went over to the sink to splash her face with cold water.

"Char, what the hell was that?" Krys asked concerningly.

"Maybe I ate something bad." Charlotte tried to dismiss what just happened and started putting paste on her toothbrush to freshen up even though she knew this had randomly been happening to her for a few days now.
As she was brushing her teeth, her and Krys locked eyes in the mirror and Krys slowly started to smirk at her.

"Do you......do you think you might be...."

Charlotte knew what she was insinuating and her eyes widened, cutting her off.

"No, don't even suggest that."

"Well, it can't be the food. I feel fine. And you have been looking a little pale and tired lately...." Krys declared crossing her arms and looking at her friend smugly.

"Krys....I'm not pregnant." Charlotte stated firmly, almost as if she was trying to convince herself.

"When's the last time you had your period?"
Charlotte looked upwards at the ceiling as if she was debating and then her eyes widened slightly as she realized how long it had actually been.
The lack of response caused an excited squeal to leave Krys' mouth and Charlotte instantly felt anxiety taking over her chest.

"We're buying you a test, NOW!"

"Krys, shut up," Charlotte said starting to panic. "I think it's nothing. " She hasn't thought about the possibility of having children before. She wasn't 100% against the idea, but her and Will had yet to discuss their future plans and she didn't know if he would take the news well if it turned out that way. Catching herself start to over think, she shook her head trying to rid of the thoughts she was stewing up.
Krys, as if she wasn't paying her best friend any attention, walked over to her purse and her car keys.
Charlotte sighed knowing once she had her mind made up, there was no talking her out of it.

"I'll be right back, you stay here!" Krys said excitedly and she left before Charlotte could even register what was actually happening.
Charlotte went and sat in the living room, her mind started to run wild.
What if she was pregnant? What would Will think, and would he be happy about it, or disappointed? Even though she knew Will like the back of her hand, she knew he also loved music and being on the road, and didn't like the possibility of trying to take that from him. She anxiously thought of all the outcomes as she waited  for Krys to come back. Krys returned with three pregnancy tests, wanting to make sure they had the correct outcome and had no doubts.

Charlotte went and did what she had to do, extremely nervous but glad she wasn't alone in this.

After many minutes slowly ticked by on the living room clock, Krys and Charlotte looked at each other with apprehension.

"Do you want me to go look first?" Krys asked her friend, seeing how scared she really was. Charlotte nodded hesitantly. She knew whatever the answer was, that it wouldn't soften the blow if she possibly was, but she found comfort that her friend was here supporting her.
Krys left to check on the results as Charlotte tapped her foot nervously, staying on the couch. She wanted to follow her but was afraid her legs would give out from the anxiety.
It seemed like forever, but Krys came back with an indifferent look on her face.

"Well?" Charlotte gulped, needing to know.

"Char....come look at this."

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