13. Bring Me Back To Where It All Began

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Will was really nervous this morning. It had been weeks since he's seen Charlotte and she was kind enough to give him the details of today's appointment in a text message. He was still beating himself up over missing her call.
He had his phone on silent when she called and he was in the middle of an interview. They played phone tag a few times, until she just texted him. They still haven't discussed what happened or their break up.

He could barely eat that morning, but he managed to down a couple of cups of coffee. It probably wasn't helping the anxiety. He showered and dressed nicely and made sure he looked presentable for Charlotte. He had honestly been a mess since she kicked him out, but he was trying to pretend that he had everything together. He had wondered if she was still furious with him or if she had even listened to any of his voicemails or actually read any of his texts.

When he pulled up to the doctor's building, he spotted Charlotte a few cars away getting out of the car. He bit his lip as he walked up to her nervously, not sure how to greet her but just wishing he could wrap his arms around her. She turned to him and her eyes widened slightly. She also seemed nervous.

She had looked absolutely stunning even though there was a sadness in her deep brown eyes that were usually so full of life. Charlotte had her hair straightened and down, and she had lightly did some simple make up. She never went overboard because she barely needed it, but she occassionally did her eyes. Will couldn't help but to look down at her lips.
God he missed kissing those lips.

"H...hi..." Charlotte spoke first finding it hard to make eye contact with him.

"Hi.......you look good Charlotte...."

Charlotte just looked down at her feet pretending not to hear him.

"Come with me, I don't want us to be late." She gripped the strap on her purse nervously as her and Will walked side by side in silence into the building.

They didn't have to wait long before they were in the room. Charlotte hopped up onto the exam table and the nurse rubbed the freezing ointment on her belly. Although Will was right next to her physically, she still felt an overwhelming sense of lonliness....here they were to see their little one, and they could barely even hold a conversation anymore. She never thought her life would turn out this way. She missed him, but didn't trust him at the moment, and trust was extremely important to her.

Charlotte and Will answered some small talk questions from the nurse as they both glanced over at the screen on the monitor  in front of them. Charlotte was relieved that someone was breaking what was previously an awkward silence.

Before they knew it, a small image in the shape of their baby came over the screen. Charlotte's eyes became engulfed in happy tears. For a moment, she forgot about everything else happening in their life and she was in a trance, focused on their little person in front of them. He or she really existed...and no matter what happens, she knew she was going to be here for their baby and she was going to love this baby until the end of time. With or without Will.

Will became overwhelmed with emotion not believing he was seeing the life that they created together on the screen.
Not really thinking about what he was doing, he reached over and grabbed Charlotte's hand. Charlotte, too emotional to do anything else, interlocked her fingers with his and gently squeezed him. She felt instant comfort.
She missed everything about him and how he always had a calming presence. Will was normally a very easy going guy and he was usually the more level-headed one between the both of them.

As the nurse told them about their healthy, growing son or daughter, they became more astonished. They could make out the little head and the shape of the body. They listened to the heartbeat, with happy tears in their eyes. It was such an important moment for the both of them. Will wholeheartedly planned on being there every step of the way, and already couldn't wait unti the next time they got to do another ultrasound.

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