47. My Body Has Grown So Cold

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Charlotte and Krys were having a blast with the crew of Sunshine State Tattoo. The team consisted of five talented men that all specialized in their own style and Krys and Charlotte were able to bounce ideas off of the other artists and watch and see their techniques.

Charlotte was in love with this whole experience. She almost felt like an apprentice again, watching over their shoulders and asking questions. She felt like she was gaining more knowledge and it was special for her. She was so passionate about her craft and wanted to expand her horizons. Usually the tattooing industry was extremely competitive, but there was a camaraderie in this shop and she felt so comfortable there.

Her and Tyler absolutely clicked as soon as they got there and he made Charlotte feel super welcome. They had a very similar sense of humor and he just seemed like a genuine guy. On the 9th day of her guest spotting, Tyler offered to take her out for breakfast, and he asked her if she would consider staying another week. Her and Krys' artistry was a great addition to the team and he knew their shop situation was bad right now so he saw it as a win win for both of them.

When Charlotte talked to Will and told him the news, he was beside himself. He had been counting down the days until she would be on her flight back to New York and this is exactly what he was worried might happen.

He also wasn't excited about the fact that Charlotte was working with all men. Charlotte wasn't only beautiful...but he knew how men think and was worried that they would try to overstep a boundary. He was disappointed.

"...I mean...you've already been gone for over a week, Charlotte. Isn't that enough time? I barely hear from you during the day and it just kind of sucks that you're out there having the time of your life and I'm stuck here working."

Charlotte just breathed trying to stay calm not thinking Will was going to react like this. She felt he was being overdramatic and he seemed cranky lately the last couple of phone calls they had.

She had mentioned staying another seven days or so, and Will automatically got snippy with her. It wasn't his normal demeanor and she was wondering if he was overworking himself with the new album.

"Will, you're busy recording anyway during the day. I'm sure you don't even have time to miss me. We've been away from each other for longer when you've toured. I've never once asked you to stop doing music for me...but you're basically asking me not to tattoo."

Charlotte's heart started beating rapidly and her hands started to tremble. She absolutely hated fighting with Will.

Will scoffed feeling like she was playing tit for tat.
"I knew this was going to fucking happen. You said ten days...what are you really doing out there? I'm not stupid, Char."

"....excuse me?"

"You're surrounded by five dudes and I don't know what the fuck you're actually doing out there! Apparently you've forgotten you have a husband at home! I'll just fuck off."

Will hadn't slept in two days, completely exhausted and over worked. His insecurities were preying on his tired mind.

"....what? Are you trying to accuse me of something?!" Charlottes voice cracked, her holding in her tears of frustration. Was he truly trying to imply that she would ever do something to betray his trust.

"Do you even know me at all?" Charlotte asked before he answered her, truly upset that he would even suggest he doesn't trust her. She had never looked at another guy ever since the day she laid her eyes on Will.

"Apparently I don't. Tattooing is your number one and I get that. Have fun being tagged teamed by your new coworkers."

Charlottes mouth dropped open thinking he was acting absolutely disgusting right now.

"You know what?" Her eyes watered just so angry at him right now. "I'm staying another ten days...and maybe I just won't come home at all." Charlotte hung up on him crying her eyes out once she knew they were disconnected. She felt he should be happy for her and he was being a selfish jerk. Now she didn't even want to go home to him while he was acting like this.


Charlotte and Tyler continued to grab breakfast in the morning and talked over coffee. Fans of Ink Master would occasionally ask for photos, but some of them wouldn't approach them but would take photos from afar. Charlotte hadn't told anyone about the fight between her and Will and she just played it off like everything was copacetic even though she just really felt like staying in bed and crying. It had been a few days since her and Will talked and he hadn't even attempted to reach out to her. She was really hurting and felt completely disrespected by him and just assumed he didn't feel the need to apologize for the things he said.

Will had been watching Tyler's stories with growing jealousy. He saw that they were constantly out to breakfast together and Will felt somewhat neglected. He didn't feel good about what he said to her and he knew he was being an asshole, but he was being stubborn all at the same time.

Will eventually caught up on sleep and him and the guys had a couple of days off. He was able to cool off over the last few days and he did fell Ike a jerk for the way he approached things . He realized he threw a tantrum and accused Charlotte of things he knew she would never do. He felt like a jerk, and he wanted to try and finally apologize. She had been gone for almost two weeks and he was really missing her. Fighting with her over the phone wouldn't fix the problem.

He hesitated for a bit looking at his phone but finally decided to call her. It rang and rang, and his stomach twisted. He almost expected it to go to voicemail but it
suddenly stopped ringing. All of a sudden he heard a man's voice and it took him by complete surprise. The anger that he thought had faded away, suddenly started to rise in him once again. Why was a guy answering his wife's phone?

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