20. I'll Hold Onto Feeling

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The next day came and Will and Charlotte spent their morning together . They had the whole day until their show later on that night. They went out for breakfast at a cute little diner, that Will picked,  and then of course went to visit Winter. They spent a couple of hours there: The doctor finally gave them a specific date, a month from today. They would get to bring Peanut home.


Will and Charlotte were both on cloud nine. They both felt like the stars were finally aligning for them and things were coming together. Of course, they were both a little apprehensive about getting their new place together and making sure Winter has everything she needed, but they were just as relieved as they were excited. The only thing that would make their lives better would be the cops finding the suspect from the night they were attacked. Even though they were both trying their damndest to go in with their lives, it was still in the back of their minds that Bekka was out and about and the attacker is roaming free. Their biggest priority was protecting Winter.

They both felt like they were having the perfect day. When they got home they relaxed together on the couch watching Coraline, followed by Corpse Bride. Although, they were so busy cuddling and kissing that they barely paid attention. Eventuality, it came time to get ready for the show. The band had to be there an hour early for sound check and Charlotte was going with them.

It had been a while for her since she had been to a show and it took her a while to figure out what to wear. She knew there would be a huge fan base there considering the show  was  in their home state  and they sold out. Charlotte wanted to look her absolute best for Will knowing everyone would be looking at the girl on his arm.

Charlotte took the time to straighten her naturally curly locks, her hair looking shiny and silky as it flowed down to the middle of her back. She tied it up in a sleek pony tail and took her time doing her beautiful make up. Will always complimented her when she did her natural autumn tones of deep reds and oranges, fading into a nice brown above her eyes. She paid extra attention to make sure her eyebrows were perfect and she finished off her look with a beautifully done cat eye. She was gifted with naturally long eyelashes so she always just used the blackest mascara she could find to make them more dramatic. She topped the look with a deep red matte lip. Charlotte was naturally very attractive, but her witchy, gothic artistry portrayed in her make up  just accentuated her beauty.

She decided on obsidian plugs to match her eyes. She also put on a little black dress that gracefully hugged all of her curves in her hourglass figure. She made the decision to also pull on her fishnet stockings and complete her look with her high top Doc Marten boots with the silk, black laces. It had been a long time since she had dressed up and she felt beautiful at the moment. She was glad they were easing back into their old lives.

Will had taken a shower and got dressed in the bathroom, coming out into the room dressed nicely. His hair was in perfect curls and he was wearing a nice black button up. Charlotte smiled loving when he dressed so nicely for his shows, and every time she saw him in a button up shirt she wanted to take it off of him again and take him to bed.

Will took a look at Charlotte and raised his eyebrows dazed by how amazing she looked.

"Char.......you look stunning." Will smiled at her in a certain way that she recognized. He was admiring her but she could also tell he was starting to get aroused.

Charlotte cackled finding the look on his face humorous and  loving his genuine reaction to her efforts.

"Ugh, fuck the concert! Come here!" Will tackled her to the bed playfully and Charlotte screamed and laughed.

"Babe! My hair!" She squealed.

Will laughed and kissed her passionately and when he broke away, he smirked devilishly and started to pull a little on her fishnets. He let out an over-dramatic groan and rolled his eyes just being funny.

Until My Final Breath Escapes~ A Will Ramos Romance~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora