51. Face The Tide

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When Charlotte slowly came to, she heard the beeping of the machines next to her in the hospital room. The lights were very bright and she groaned feeling twinges of pain all over her body and head.
She gasped and jumped up and put a hand over her stomach remembering everything.
Will gasped in surprise seeing her and jumped up out of his seat to try and console her. She automatically started crying.
Wills eyes teared up seeing her like this and put his hands on her shoulders reassuringly.
"Baby! Baby you're safe....you're safe..." he cooed and she breathed heavily looking around.

"Is the baby okay?!"

"Yes. Luckily the baby is okay." Will rubbed her arm seeing her visibly let go of the panic as she slouched back. She wiped her eyes sobbing so relieved to hear that but obviously traumatized.

Will hushed her and pushed her hair back carefully knowing she had been bruised up pretty badly. She had a few cuts and scrapes, with a small bandage over her cheek near her eye. They did some damage, but they were really there for Krys.

"Where's Krys?!" Charlotte sobbed so worried about her friend.

"She's okay, Char. She got it pretty bad but she's awake. She's fucking tough. The cops already talked to her and they're looking for Victoria right now. We're gonna find out who else was involved and get them too. I fucking promise you." Will was more furious over anything. They had already lost a baby and went through so much and when he got the phone call from the hospital, he thought the worst.

Will didn't agree that Krys deserved this either, but especially not Charlotte and their baby who had nothing to do with anything. Will sat by the bed and held Charlotte's hand just wanting to take her and escape from everything.

"I'm putting the album on hold." Will blurted out to Charlotte just fed up.

"Will...you can't." Charlotte sniffled feeling automatically guilty like this was her fault. She knew this would also postpone their upcoming tour and she knew the guys more than likely wouldn't be happy about it. Not only did they love to play, but it was also their bread and butter.

"Don't be crazy, Char. You and our baby come first...just because Krys and Austin were being dumb and fucking around, you got hurt in the process. We need time to heal from this  bullshit." She looked into his obsidian eyes and could tell he had made up his mind already.

However, Charlotte didn't want Will to do anything impulsive and stop everyone's money from coming in. She knew monetary things didn't matter to Will, but this was their job... at the end of the day, she didn't want the world angry at her either. The band...the fans...she felt like she had the weight of the world sitting on her shoulders and she wanted to just collapse under the pressure.

"Please don't do this. You have to finish the album Will." She sniffled and the tears started coming all over again. Will sighed hating seeing her like this feeling so conflicted.
He wanted to be home to protect her just tired of the way the world had treated them.
Every time something unfortunate happened to her he felt like he didn't protect her enough.

"I won't go back there anymore." She cried.

"I'll stay home or I'll help you guys at the studio somehow...I'll go with you on tour...whatever you want, but please Will you have to finish the album," She sniffled trying to calm herself down feeling her head starting to pulsate from the stress and tears. She was desperately trying  to reason with him even though it killed her. She adored tattooing but she was willing to sacrifice her art and put it on hold if that meant Will felt safe enough to continue. Until things cooled down with Victoria and her two accomplices, she knew this girl was dangerous and she might still be at risk trying to go back to the shop. She was going to miss tattooing desperately but she couldn't t continue to put herself in danger. Her career would be on hiatus until however long it would take.

Will rubbed her hand soothingly with his thumb trying to calm her down.

"Don't worry babe. Listen, right now you just need to focus on staying healthy for this baby. Okay?" He wiped her tears to console her and kissed her forehead. He pushed his anger aside hating seeing her so upset knowing not tattooing for a while was going to be devastating to her but he was gratified that she would be home safe with him for a while. He automatically thought to himself on how he was going to make this better for her.
Deep down, he was a little angry at Austin and Krys. He knew neither of them saw this coming, but Austin knew Victoria was unstable. He should have waited until he put his new relationship out there. He was trying to keep telling himself they didn't know this would happen, but he still couldn't help but to feel a little vexed.

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