46. Disappear In A Sea Of Fire

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The days dragged by slowly as both Charlotte and Krys were trying to figure out what to do about their tattooing situations. Krys had posted their unfortunate situation to their shop page, letting people know that their booked clients had to be put on hold for now. A lot of people empathized and sent well wishes.

Tyler Nolan from Ink Master had reached out to Charlotte again asking if she would consider guest spotting at Sunshine State tattoo as he had offered previously. Before, she had politely declined because, at the time, Will didn't want her to.
But, they were in a better place now. Because she was rather desperate to make money at the moment, maybe he would reconsider. Will kept insisting he would take care of her financially indefinitely, but she just didn't feel right putting him in such a position and she wasn't the type of girl to depend on anyone.

Charlotte scanned through the message and looked over at Will. He was home today and was sitting next to her scrolling on his phone. After a bit he noticed her looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" Will joked narrowing his eyes at her.

Charlotte smirked and shook her head and simply held her phone up so he could see it.
Will took it and read the message more closely. She felt a little tense waiting for him to make a face of either disapproval or consent....

"...what do you want to do?" Will simply asked handing her the phone back. Charlotte still searched his face for something but he didn't react.

"Uh...well...I don't know babe. I think it would be good for me and good for Krys...especially since I could make really good money there..."

Will could tell she was a little hesitant about it and he didn't want to persuade her in either direction. Deep down, he still didn't want her to. He knew the old him had flipped out over it, but he was really doing better as far as communication and he didn't want to ruin the progress they've made. Even though Krys would be with her, he didn't trust this Tyler guy. There was no telling if it was a gut instinct, or just pure jealousy because Tyler Nolan was easy on the eyes...but either way he wished he could go with her to make sure he was genuine.
He chose his words wisely.

"You're not wrong...you would make money...but...you already know what I'm gonna say..."

Charlotte just sighed a little. He's been kind of persistent that she just let him take care of her for a while. But she already missed tattooing and it was depressing to her she didn't have her outlet right now.

"I know...but I just really miss it, Will. I've reached out to shops around here but haven't heard back yet. Why can't you come with me?"

Will thought about it but he knew she would probably be there for a couple weeks and it would be selfish of him to put the guys on hold. It would also be putting off recording and prolonging the new album release date.

"I would love that. But we both know it's not a good time right now." Will sighed wishing he could.

"Look...if it's something you really want to do, and Krys goes with you, then maybe you should give it a shot...I'll just be here with the guys and working on the new album."

Charlotte could tell in his eyes that he wasn't fully happy about the idea but she appreciated the fact he was willing to support her.

"Don't worry baby... if anything , I'll tell him I can do a week and we will see how it goes."

Will just thought to himself not wanting to say his real thoughts out loud. What if she ended up really liking Florida and wanting to stay there? She had never been and Will knew so many people that went there on vacation and fell in love with it. He was worried but he couldn't continue to try and hold her back.

"Whatever you wanna do Char..."

Charlotte leaned over and kissed his cheek.
She wasn't going to reply to Tyler right away just wanting to give it a little more thought and talk to Krys first, but she was pleased that Will didn't react so terribly this time around.

Austin and Will drove Charlotte and Krys to the airport that morning so they wouldn't have to pay for parking. And of course, Will was starting to get more nervous about it can't believing she was actually going. She claimed it would only be ten days, but he was worried she might want to stay longer. He was hoping his apprehensive thoughts were wrong.

The guys helped with their luggage. Even though Austin and Krys still weren't official, they were very snuggly before it was time for them to board.

Will hadn't smiled once this morning and it left an uneasiness in Charlotte's chest.  Part of her didn't feel right leaving him here but then she felt like Krys would be upset with her if she backed out now.

Before they went to the gate, Will came and wrapped his arms around Charlotte's waist and kissing her forehead gently. Charlotte stood on her tip toes and kissed him sweetly.

"Babe stop looking so sad. I'll be home before you even get a chance to miss me."

"I already miss you." Will pouted just trying to play it off as a joke but on the inside he really dreaded that she was going.

"Aweeeee, Will, don't." Charlotte hugged him tightly. "I love you. Focus on making a kick ass album until I get back."

"I love you too. Go do some badass tattoos." He sighed and hugged her back then leaned down to kiss her passionately to get in another one before she had to go.

"Behave you two!" Charlotte smirked grabbing her bags talking to both Will and Austin as Austin was kissing Krys goodbye.

"Don't worry I'll make sure this one does." Austin nudged Will playfully.

Charlotte chuckled and smiled at Will and her and Krys went to board their flight to Florida.

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