25. You Fell Into The Dark

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Charlotte and Austin went to the station to go give a statement and she showed Detective D'Angelo Noah's license that she found in her living room and how he could be a potential suspect for the attack on her and Will.

She told them everything that had happened nights prior and told him about Noah being arrested for assaulting her.

Detective D'Angelo pulled up the records to see what was going on, and shared that he had made bail. He assumed he was on his way back to Virginia. Detective D'Angelo explained he was going to be putting in a request from a judge for a search warrant to search his house. The night when Charlotte and Will were attacked, no weapon was ever found at the crime scene and they were hoping maybe they could find it somewhere, even if it's been a couple of years. Anything was possible.

Charlotte decided she was too freaked out to be alone and Austin offered for her to stay in his guest room. When she returned back to her apartment to grab her stuff, Austin alongside her to help, she heard her phone ring.

It was Noah.

Her and Austin looked at each other as her stomach knotted with nervousness.

"You should answer......"

Charlotte bit her lip anxiously hesitating, wondering what he could possibly want. She found the courage deep inside her, even though she never wanted to hear from him ever again.

"H-hello?" She answered full of apprehension putting him on speaker so Austin could hear it too.

"Charlotte.......part of me wasn't expecting for you to pick up......"

"Why are you calling me?" She wanted to cut out the bullshit and get straight to the point.

"Charlotte....I'm so fucking sorry for the other night....I fucked up....I had way too much to drink...and that's no excuse. You're such a good friend to me andI'm so sorry...." he sighed.

Charlotte remained quiet not sure how to approach this. She could play nice to him but he might think something's up. She really despised him right now and it was hard for her to ever try and kiss anyone's ass, never mind a man that really tried to harm her. She was still haunted by the thought at night, what would have happened to her if Will didn't barge in? Would she even still be alive?

"Are you there?" Noah asked.

"Yes, I'm here. I can't say it's okay Noah. I don't know what to say.

They heard Noah let out a long sigh. He was getting frustrated already.

"Charlotte....I just ask, that you drop the charges...this will literally ruin my career." Charlotte and Austin looked at each other like "what the fuck"?

Is he kidding? The fact that he even had the audacity to suggest this angered Charlotte, but at the same time, she didn't know where Noah was right now, and she didn't want to poke the bear. All she knew is he made bail and he was around. If he was willing to try and smother her, she knew he was a dangerous man and didn't want to piss him off even more.

"Noah I just....I will think about it okay? Just give me some time......you were my friend.....do you know how bad this hurts?" She wanted to scream at him and tell him she knew it was him that night that caused her and Will harm. She tried to just keep it inside, knowing the police were trying to get a search warrant as they spoke.

"I know, Charlotte. Honestly, I'm done with drinking for a while......you aren't back with Will are you?"

She bit her lip. It's gross he's even asking. That should have been the least of his concerns.

"No....we are back to not talking...look I have to go...."

"Okay....listen....Charlotte please drop those charges soon before it gets out to the media...."

"Goodbye, Noah." Charlotte frowned and hung up just creeped out by hearing his voice thinking of the pillow over her face. What a narcissist. He wasn't concerned about the fact he tried to rape her....but more concerned that his fans might hear about who he really is.

Charlotte looked at Austin just completely emotionally defeated. She felt so alone in this moment, missing her baby and missing Will.....yearning for her old life.

Austin rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.
"Don't worry Charlotte. You can stay here as long as you want to. Everything's going to work out.

Charlotte just nodded and hugged Austin goodnight and decided to go to the guest room to try and sleep. She was solely wishing this nightmare would end. She was praying they would find something to link Noah to the crime when it came time to do the search.

The hardest part for Charlotte was trying to remain patient.
She went and laid in the comfy bed just thankful for Austin being a good friend so she didn't have to spend the night alone at her place. She snuggled up under the covers, thinking of Will's face and what he might be doing now.

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