7. Left To Dissapate

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The sun slowly rose and peaked in through the curtains and the warmth hit Will's face, causing him to leisurely open his eyes. The light coming in incapacitated his vision as he squinted and groaned. He was lying on his stomach, a position he never slept in,  and he moved his eyes around a room he did not recognize.

The first thing he noticed was the blood red walls and black carpet. There was a smell in the air of a type of perfume he wasn't a fan of and it went right to his pounding head. He laid his head back down for a moment feeling dizzy and sick.

"Sweetie, " a tired voice cooed to him, "how do you feel?" He felt someone's fingers entangled in his hair. They continued to scratch his scalp gently in order to soothe him.

For a second, he thought to himself that it felt like Charlotte. Will found the strength to lift his head again and look over in this person's direction feeling like he was in a dream. His gaze eventually met the eyes of Bekka, laying next to him in an oversized Tshirt. As if he was shocked awake, he jolted up quickly which startled her.

"Whoa! Will! Everything's okay!" She chuckled.

"What the fuck?! What are we doing?! What happened?!" He exclaimed sitting back on his knees looking around frantically. He noticed his clothes were scattered all over the floor and he was in his boxer shorts.


He stood up quickly and frantically went to put his clothes on. Will felt slightly incapacitated  and his limbs felt weak. He thought hard to remember what had happened the night before. He only remembered taking one shot with them, and everything else was a blur. Although Will didn't drink much, he knew he wasn't that much of a light-weight.
What the fuck had he done?
He felt his chest get heavy and his face get hot and thought for a quick moment that he was going to pass out.

"Whoa! Baby, I think someone had too much to drink last night!" Bekka giggled rushing over to assist him to stand up straight and helped him back to her bed.

Will started breathing heavily, feeling a rush of panic take over.

There's no way.

He didn't feel normal and he knew what a hangover felt like.
Before he could ask anything else, Bekka came to him with a bottle of cold water.
Will gulped it down as he tried to take in what was actually going on. This was no dream. This was a nightmare.

"Bekka...what happened last night?" He asked with a slight cringe afraid of the answer.

Did the guys see him leave with her, and why didn't one of them offer to take him home? How did it get to this? He just wanted to see Charlotte.

Bekka looked at him with a slight pout and went to run her fingers through his curls but he pulled away from her feeling disgusted with not only himself, but with her too.

"I think you know exactly what happened." She answered with slight sarcasm in her voice, not liking the rejection.

"There's no way," Will shook his head refusing to hear this."I would never do that to Charlotte."

Bekka smirked and crossed her arms.

    "It's just me and you here. You don't have to pretend that you didn't want to. I knew you wanted me, Will.

Will scoffed and remained seated due to feeling weak in his legs but he managed to put his shirt on.

"Bekka....I love Charlotte way too much. Anything that potentially happened was a mistake. Believe me."

Will grabbed his phone from her bed side, seeing his phone was only on 10% and he had a ton of missed messages from Adam, Austin, Andrew, Michael.........and multiple missed calls from Charlotte.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Will wailed to himself seeing a preview of one of the messages from her. It started off with her apologizing. He instantly felt the guilt building up on the inside and instantly texted Austin telling him to come get him sending him his location.

Bekka stood up and looked enraged.

    "A mistake?! Will I felt a connection with you last night and you're really going to act like I didn't mean anything?! I've been in your life for years! We're a perfect match!" She started to cry angry tears showing a hostile side to her that Will had never seen before.

"I only love my girlfriend Bekka. I trusted you and I thought we were friends! That's it! FRIENDS. But clearly we aren't as close as I thought we were! We're done here Bekka!" Will got up and ,with all his strength, went to her bathroom locking the door behind him. He stumbled over to the sink leaning both hands around the rim. He ran the cold tap water for a few seconds and splashed it onto his face.
"Get it together, Will." He thought to himself as he still tried his hardest to remember last nights events. Will undid his pants and looked over himself. There was no evidence that something had happened and he knew his own body.
"There's no way, there's no fucking way." He refused to believe it even though a small part of him wondered if Bekka would ever make up such a thing.

Will took a few minutes to himself cleaning up and eventually coming out of the bathroom to find that Bekka had thrown a tempter tantrum and wrecked a part of her own room. He didn't hear anything in her apartment and saw it as his opportunity. He didn't bother putting on his shoes but grabbed them as he walked out of Bekka's apartment to try and wait for Austin outside. He didn't know what to believe and whether or not Bekka was telling him the truth. But then he started to feel his nerves come back at the thought of trying to explain this to Charlotte, or if he should keep it to himself. He trusted himself that he didn't do anything, and the only thing he started to remember was Bekka handing him his drink that night.
He sat on the curb outside of Bekkas apartment complex until he saw Austin quickly pulling up.
He barely came to a stop before jumping out and running over to Will to help him up.

On the car ride home, Will explained how he woke up this morning and drilled into Austin about what took place. Austin said he had only seen him have one shot with him and the guys a drink that Bekka had purchased for him. Austin said  they all shot the shit for a bit.

    " You seemed pretty out of it but...you insisted that Bekka could drive you home and you would be good. I'm sorry man, if I thought anything weird would happen I wouldn't have left you with her. " he could hear the guilt in his friends sincere apology.

"Honestly," Will spoke still feeling like he was in a daze, "I know myself bro. And I just know in my gut I didn't sleep with her Austin. I fucking know it."

Austin glanced at him sincerely as he continued to drive.
"I know man, I believe you. I know you and this chick have been friends for a while, but there's something about her that just rubs me the wrong way. Hopefully she just forgets about this and leaves you alone."
"I hope so too man....I just really need to see Charlotte."
Austin sighed and they spent the rest of the car ride in silence. Will let his phone charge so he could call Charlotte soon. It was still early and he knew his beauty would still be sleeping. Will looked out the window and up at the sky with his mind racing wondering how he was going to get his soul mate back and fix this.

Please vote to keep me motivated. Should I put out the next chapter? 💕

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