17. Falling Down Into The Ever Black

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Authorities and the ambulance rushed to their apartment after losing contact with Charlotte on the phone. They came upon a brutal, bloody scene. They ended up rushing both an unconscious Will and unresponsive Charlotte to the emergency room and into immediate life- saving surgery. They reached out to their emergency contacts. Everyone tried to keep it hush hush but it didn't take long until it was all over the internet and in the news.

The attempted killer almost got Will in his femoral artery, which could have ended up being  fatal. Luckily, this person missed it by a hair and it turned out Will would be okay after a blood transfusion and a few weeks of rest in the hospital. He also would need extensive physical therapy until he could get back to feeling like himself.
As soon as Will opened his eyes from surgery, he automatically asked his mother, Rosie, and band mates for Charlotte. Everyone looked at him with sad eyes and there was an eerie tension in the room.

"Where is she.....where's Charlotte....."

Rosie was next to him stroking his arm in a comforting way. He looked at the guys and they all looked distraught, Austin was rubbing his eyes not wanting to be weak in front of his friend who had already been through a very traumatic experience. The guys decided to go into the waiting room to give them some alone time.

Rosie decided to speak, waiting for the door to close first, knowing there was no saving Will from this situation.

"Hijo....whoever broke in to your apartment ended up harming Charlotte too.....she's in surgery right now. "

Will's bottom lip trembled as he just stared at the blanket across his legs, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Where is she....Is she okay?" He was terrified to ask, "is the baby okay?!"

"Oh, William....." his mother sighed and held his hand, "Char lost a lot of blood....they had to rush her into surgery....we aren't sure if she's going to make it. As for Peanut," she was searching to find the words through all of her emotions she was battling with, "they're giving Charlotte emergency surgery to try and save the baby....she's very, very early....but we have to pray for her."

Will's  head snapped over toward his mother really convinced he was trapped in a nightmare.


A tear slipped down his cheek. Him and Charlotte were keeping it a surprise. Peanut was a baby girl. He felt an intense weight against his chest making it difficult to breathe. This was bittersweet news for him knowing Charlotte wasn't here to receive the news with him and he didn't know if she would ever wake up again to get a chance to meet their daughter.

Will couldn't hold back anymore and put his face in his hands absolutely devestated, as his mother stood and pulled him into a hug, crying along with him. Will just wanted to know why this was happening to them. They didn't deserve this. Him and Charlotte were good people and their daughter was absolutely innocent and didn't even get to start her life before someone tried to harm her. He felt like he wanted to die but he knew he had to hope for the best and pray to the universe that they would make it through this.

The doctor had the nurses give Will some medication to calm him. He eventually fell asleep. The doctor updated Will's mom on the situation.

Charlotte and the baby were both out of surgery. The doctor explained that Charlotte was only at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Their daughter was born extremely small and frail and her survival chance was about 60% . They admitted her to the NICU immediately. She would have to spend a significant amount of time in there in order for them to give her everything she needed and keep her strong enough for a shot at life.

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