14. A Ceaseless Existence

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Will eventually tried his best to accept the fact that Charlotte just wanted to learn how to coparent with him. As much as it killed him, Charlotte only kept the lines of communication open when she was giving him information on Peanut and when an appointment was or how she was feeling. Will wanted every detail.

Charlotte had been out and about that morning, running some errands. She was about six months now and her belly was growing a little more and it was obvious she was carrying a baby. She wasn't able to do anything with her hair and she had it let it grow out as her natrually deep  chocolate locks, and she wasn't wearing as much make up these days. The pregnancy weight was filling out her face just a little more, and she felt huge according to her inaccurate body dysmorphia, but Will thought she looked absolutely beautiful. He kept scrolling through her instagram daily, just admiring her from a distance and watching her stories even though he knew she could see he was. He still made it obvious he loved her, and he always would even if she didn't reciprocate. She also wasn't telling him to stop....she just continued to avoid the topic all together. Will just kept hoping she would realize how sorry he was and hopefully want to try again. Eventually......

Charlotte had done a bit of food shopping that early afternoon and was putting her few bags in her trunk. Will always offered to go for her when he could, but Charlotte felt it difficult to stay in the house for too long. She refused to become codependent and insisted she get her own errands done.

As soon as she closed the trunk, she was startled by an empty grocery carriage ramming into her car right next to her. She jumped at the huge crashing sound. Metal on metal. It just missed her. It slightly dented the car it was so forceful. She looked back to see where it came from...and then she saw her.


She was standing a few spaces behind her and was giving her the meanest glare she's ever seen.
Her eyes looked dark and she was twisting her pretty little button nose up in disgust.

Although Bekka clearly almost hurt her, her first instinct was to look down at her stomach. There wasn't any sign that she was pregnant.

That bitch.

"What the fuck?" Was all that Charlotte could manage to get out of her system. The commotion caused a few random people walking by to look over to make sure everything was okay.

"You fucking CUNT! I don't know what Will ever saw in you! You're fucking gross!" Charlotte was taken by surprise, the words cutting through her like sharp razors. Charlotte felt her cheeks get hot. She glanced around her, embarrassed at all the eyes staring at them, but also somewhat thankful there were witnesses. Although it didn't seem to matter to Bekka that they were in public, she was scared to think of what she possibly might be capable of. She also thought to herself for a moment, wondering what Bekka was doing in her neck of the woods when she knew she lived in Trenton. She had traveled all the way here? And how did she know where she was? There's no way this was coincidental.

Being a non-confrontational type of person, Charlotte froze up and unlocked the car and got inside. She didn't know how to respond but thought her best bet would be to just leave and not engage. She didn't want to egg her on. She was clearly slightly psychotic. She saw the look in her eyes.

It didn't take Charlotte long until she was on the road. She glanced in her rear view mirror, and double took, recognizing the familiar sedan. It was Bekka. She was following her.

Charlotte swallowed hard and sped up, thinking of what she should do. She didn't want to drive home, knowing Bekka would more than likely follow her. She didn't know if Bekka knew where she lived, but she didn't want to take that risk. She thought quickly and turned and went in the direction of Austin's house, praying someone would be there.
She drove and drove, speeding up through a yellow light approaching red. She made it through before it turned, relieved, thinking she might have lost her enemy behind at an intersection. She actually had hoped that a cop might be on the route. She thought she could speed by and get their attention. Sadly there were none.

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