29. Take Hold Of The Dreamscape

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—————*six months later*———————

Charlotte woke up with a small smile forming on her lips. She was face down in bed in a tank top and panties and felt Will's gentle lips leave a trail of kisses along her back and down to the edge of her shoulder. He always woke her up in the sweetest ways.


Will smiled against her skin loving the approval in her sleepy little noises.

"Hey sleepyhead. Time to get up babe." Will spoke quietly and ran his fingers through her curls lovingly. Normally they would sleep in if they could, but today they had to check out of their hotel by 11.

Lorna Shore was doing a small tour on the west coast for a few weeks and Charlotte had the privilege to come along with them since she could make her own work schedule. Unfortunately, the other guys girlfriends didn't have that luxury when it came to their careers. Lorna Shore had played 15 shows already and tonight would be number 16. The final show. They were ending their tour in Las Vegas and then they would get to go home.

The night before, they stopped at a hotel somewhere in California along the route. They got to sleep in an actual bed instead of on the tour bus like most nights.

The plan was for them to get their own rooms last night, and later on,  meet up with the rest of the crew for dinner. But as soon as Charlotte and Will made it to their room, Will couldn't help himself and wanted to take advantage of their alone time. Trying to have sex on the tour bus was awkward when you're surrounded by other people and there's not much privacy or space. Will had a very high libido when it came to Charlotte and he convinced her to stay in with him last night.

Charlotte sighed and rolled over so she could see Will and wrapped her arms around his neck slightly disappointed seeing he was fully clothed. She looked over at the bedside table. He ran out while she was sleeping and brought her back a hot coffee and a fresh blueberry muffin with butter from a local bakery. He was always so thoughtful and it melted her heart.

"Mmmm what if I want to go for round two?" Charlotte whined half kidding but knowing they didn't have the time.

"I want to properly thank you for breakfast" she spoke in between gentle pecks.

Will chuckled and rubbed her lower back softly and reaching down wrapping his large hand around her butt.

"I wish babe," he grinned, "we've gotta get back on the road....but trust me, I'm holding you to that later." He smirked at her with his cute little dimples showing, knowing he would cash in this rain check later.

Charlotte sat up and stretched then had a few sips of hot coffee just appreciating that Will knew exactly how she liked it.

She pried herself out of bed and managed to get dressed in some comfy clothes and took her time eating her delicious muffin. Will packed up their stuff and made sure they had everything before heading back to the tour bus.


The boys were given the opportunity to play in the Sick New World line-up at the Las Vegas festival grounds along side some of their favorite artists.

Charlotte spent the day socializing with Will. It was really hot out, but Will still insisted on wearing a black BlackCraft button up and his black jeans. Always a professional...even if it was 90 degrees.

She also helped at the merch table with some of the crew and setting up posters for them to sign at their meet and greet before their set. They loved meeting their fans, and Charlotte adored watching Will being so down to earth and thankful toward his supporters. Some of the fans recognized Charlotte and asked for a picture with her as well, complimenting her on her tattooing artistry. She felt taken back by it but Will grinned watching her, proud that she was his. They had been going so strong this time around as they continued to work on themselves. Not every day was perfect, but they had more good days than bad ones. They laughed together, they mourned together....they were each others comfort. He felt like, as long as he had her by his side, he could turn his life around and get through the hard days. They were a team.

Until My Final Breath Escapes~ A Will Ramos Romance~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora