16. These Whispers Keep Clawing

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Charlotte slowly opened her eyes to their pitch black bedroom. She could hear Will sleeping soundly next to her. He had rolled over in his sleep and his back was to her, and he snored quietly. She had woken up a couple hours previously. Will had found himself waking up to her returning the favor he had previously given her. She was a woman of her word, and thought it would be nice to surprise him in the middle of the night. Will was a happy boy, and fell right back to sleep afterward with no complaints.

She heard her phone buzzing against the bedside table. She squinted in the direction of the light coming from the screen, it was 3:30 in the fucking morning. Who would be trying to reach out right now?

Charlotte reached over hitting the side button to silence it before it disturbed Will. She looked at the screen with furrowed brows kind of annoyed with whoever it was thinking it had better been important and not a stupid drunk text or something.

Charlotte looked and saw that he had a text from an unknown number. She opened her phone to see the message.

Look outside your window.

Charlotte read the short message again, her stomach churning in worry and she felt goosebumps form down her spine . She was thoroughly creeped out.

Who the fuck was this?

She looked over at Will again. Part of her wanted to wake him up, but then she thought maybe it was one of the guys playing a prank or something. They could be dumb like that sometimes. She didn't want to wake Will up for nothing. Charlotte sighed to herself and eventually tried to escape from bed, careful not to wake Will. She felt herself get an uneasy feeling in her gut, but she just decided to suck it up and go look. She put her hand on her belly over her t shirt. It was something she did often. She never felt alone with Peanut there and she found it comforting.
She quietly crept across the bedroom, wandering over to the big window. Her curtains were up, but she was growing more nervous the closer she got.

She bit her lip and curled a finger around the curtains, drawing it back barely an inch trying to glance outside into the darkness. There was a dim light glowing from the street lamp across the street. She didn't see anything. Or anyone. Charlotte timidly drew back her curtain just a little bit more feeling like someone might be joking with her.

She looked out her window and didn't see a thing, but suddenly she heard a very  loud gasp coming from Will. She snapped her head around completely startled. She saw Will's body convulsing and heard him yelp out in pain. A dark figure was standing there. She couldn't see their face as they were wearing all black and they were wearing a black ski mask. They were definitely taller than her. It was so dark she couldn't make out the little features that were sticking out in the eye holes and mouth. She could tell from the stature that it was a man, and possibly Caucasian but she couldn't be 100% sure in the darkness. However, with the very faint glow coming from the window, she could see that Will had been stabbed with something. Something was sticking out of his thigh. Will was breathing sporadically trying to handle all the pain. Charlotte could see a puddle of blood forming across the bed sheets underneath him.

"Will!" Was all Charlotte managed to scream out. The tall, slender, dark figure rushed over to her, it was a matter of a few quick seconds. She shrieked out in horror as they grabbed her by the wrist.

"Please! I'm pregnant!" she cried.

She heard a deep chuckle and she heard an unfamiliar deep voice respond.

"That's why I'm here." Before Charlotte could even understand the remark coming from the mysterious shape of a person, she felt a sharp pain go into her side. She heard a metallic shing as she couldn't see what had taken place but she could draw a conclusion that she had been speared by something hard and jagged.

Her eyes widened with panic as she could feel something leaking out of her new wound. The person ripped the shank away from her and they held her wrist tightly.

Charlotte screamed, feeling her eyes well up with pained tears. She felt another scorching slash of pain come over her wrist, as dark liquid starting leaking profusely from the wound.

I don't want to die.

Charlotte's brain started to panic knowing she had to stop the bleeding. The person dropped the weapon and ran out of the bedroom quickly.

They had stabbed Will in the thigh l, hoping they would get him in an important artery and knew by this point, he had already lost a lot of blood and he would more than likely not be waking up.
He was now passed out from the blood loss and agony, but Charlotte panicked, assuming the absolute worst. He looked completely lifeless. 

Charlotte stumbled, leaving a trail of blood behind her on their pristine, white carpet. She could feel herself growing extremly tired. She knew she had to try and stay awake. She sobbed knowing Will was really hurt and somehow managed to dial 9-1-1.

"9-1-1. What is the location of your emergency........hello? Is anyone there?"

Charlotte collapsed onto the floor holding her stomach.

"M-my....my baby........Will......" She managed to try and say aloud before she felt her eyes closing. She felt herself getting so cold and she started to shiver. She couldn't fight the overwhelming tiredness anymore. Her eyes just wanted to close. Her hearing was starting to get quiet, Everything went black.

Until My Final Breath Escapes~ A Will Ramos Romance~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz