𝑪𝒉. 𝟑𝟒 | 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓'𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔

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I arrive with Liz and Nan at the party. Mr Alzert and his wife personally greet us. She's doing so much better than before. Mr Alzert even asks about how Aira has been doing in the company. I would love to say that she eats too many pastries but instead I let him know she's doing well. Aira did start of slow but she got there in the end. Talking of her, I scan the entire setting to find her. She was nowhere to be seen. I continued to walk around, looking in all directions. 

"Ouch!" a voice yells as I feel someone bump into me.

It's Aira. She takes a few steps back looking to see who she's bumped into and instantly curses her fate in her head when it's me.

"I'm so sorry," she apologises looking to her back like someone was chasing her.

My eyes travelled down to her gorgeous, sparkling gown. It was stunning, she made it look stunning with the way her dark black curls complimented it. And that diamond set was sparkling only because of her smile. Forget purple, blue is her colour.

"Hello?" she waved her hand in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You'll never stop crashing into people. Will you?" I teased.

She responded with a humorous laugh making the blush on her cheeks stand out and look like a melted kiss. My eyes focused on every detail today. The makeup was nothing against her natural features. She was perfect and when she smiled, she looked the most perfect. Right now, she looked the most perfect and it was my heart race.

"I've thought of this a million times, and I will think of it a million more, your smile is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen," I take a step forwards to her with the statement. 

She needed to be admired tonight. I had to do it. Her smile destroys itself at my words and she carefully stares at me just like she did before she left my office that day. The same emotions filled her eyes.

"Aira, you look so gorgeous," Liz interrupted us, taking a roll around my arm.

"You're looking stunning yourself," Aira compliments, turning her attention away from me. "I'll catch up with you later," she instantly excused, wanting no further conversation.

My eyes follow her shadow as she walks away from us.

"I told you you'd thank me later," Liz caught my attention.

"About what?" I questioned, still confused.

She coughs as she holds the edge of my coat and pulls it. It's the same colour as Aira's dress. How did I not notice?

"It's nothing like that," I refused to admit with a stolen gaze from Liz.

I swear Liz and Nan are crazy. How could they think like that about me and Aira knowing that we never get along? Besides she's a troublemaker and a talking machine that doesn't have an off button.


I had to bump into Lex just then. Well, this dress is so heavy. It looks light but weighs a ton. Anyways, I'm with my friends when Katie pulls me aside letting me know that the guy was going to arrive soon. Our plan was to have a personal meeting with him inside the house secretly where I would blab all the reasons for him to reject me. I tell her that I'm going to head inside the house to the room on the far right. She'll send him in when he's here.

In the meantime I should prepare myself for what I have to say because I did not have many or reasons at all for why he should reject me. I check my surroundings and see if everything is clear. Uncle and Aunt are busy with guests and my other cousins are busy with people too. I head inside as fast as I could, trying not to get noticed. Katie gives me a thumbs up whilst she stands around the back door, safeguarding me. Okay, I can do this. It's easy. It's for your future Aira.

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