𝑪𝒉. 𝟒𝟏 | 𝑷𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔

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It was our first morning being a married couple. Aira had already woken up before me and taken a shower. I was released out of sleep when she had turned on that loud hair dryer which I think I now had to get used to.

"Aira, it's only been a few hours and you've started your wife politics," I whined covering my ears with my pillow.

She gasped and frowned at the term I had used. Wife politics.

"Wife politics? Do you want me to dry my hair with mouth blows now?" she asked me, turning the hair dryer off.

I poked my head out of the pillow and looked at her. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for an answer.

"Yes. You should be mindful of your husband who works day and night taking care of a huge business," my lips curved into a taunting smile with this response.

"Well, it was you who dragged yourself into me. You can't blame me for that now," Aira huffed and sighed in mockery before turning to grab the hairbrush. 

I got off my bed and chuckled at that response. It was clear that she wasn't going to argue with me now and that she wasn't going to use the hair dryer either.

"And I'd do it again," I whispered close to her ear, planting a delicate kiss down her shoulder before I walked backwards to the bathroom.

Her cheeks flushed red from the tingles the kiss sent down her spine. This is only just the beginning Aira. Just you wait and watch for the other things I drag into you. By the time I was done, she had already headed downstairs for breakfast.

Before I headed downstairs, I had a job to do. The honeymoon tickets. The latest ones I could get were for the evening today.  Aira already had her suitcase packed and mine was only half unpacked since I had just got back two days ago so packing should not be a concern at all. The breakfast table served a strong scent of pancakes with everyone already there.

"Morning, everyone," I greeted, throwing my arms around Nan from the back for a back hug which was followed by a kiss on her cheek.

My greeting was similar for Liz and Aira looked away to refuse any sort of similar greeting. She was sat in my seat again and a little reminder of what happened last time came to her mind. She inched up to move one seat down when I pulled her back down on the seat.

"Stay," I softly spoke only for her to hear but Liz's ears have always been so sharp.

Aira's face was already lightened at the sight of pancakes. Liz placed a few on Nan's plate first and then hers. Like always, Aira waited for them to start first and then went ahead to start her breakfast. I watch her put three pancakes on her plate at one time. Then she spread maple syrup over them. Perfect! I pick up my fork, stab it into her first pancake and eat half of it in one bite.

"Lex!" Aira scolded, clearly offended at my act.

I whammed a hiss when she smacked my arm hard. These hands hit really hard and I should be keeping that in mind considering all those jaw-breaking slaps that have come across my face.

"These are mine, make your own," she put the plate of pancakes near mine so I could easily reach them.

"Too late, I already ate it," I chuckled taking the half-left bite of her first pancake.

Nan and Liz laugh at my stupidity. I'll be eating all the pancakes she prepares for herself. She grabs the syrup and spreads it on her second pancake. I stab my fork into that pancake in the time she takes to put the syrup back. Her eyes slowly watch as I shove it in my mouth before giving me the death stare at the sight of her missing pancake.

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