Any thoughts?!

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After I left the support course, I went over to the support course just looking inside the classroom but there was no one inside so I went back to look into class 1A's aka my own classroom and there I found no one! What a surprise! Next I went to class 1B and found just Kuroiro there. It was a bit surprising.

Me: Hey there.

Kuroiro: Hey Izuku.

Me: Mind if I come in?

Kuroiro: No, no come in.

Me: Cool, whatcha up to here all alone?

Kurorio: Metting up with the others but they all overslept ...

Me: Isn't it like 11?

Kuroiro: Yup....

Me: You sure about oversleeping?

Kuroiro: Or they forgot.... I might be even in the wrong place again... *sigh*

Me: I hope not but I didn't see anyone on my way here.

Kuroiro: How is class 1A dealing so far?

Me: Lazying around what about your class?

Kuroiro: Same but we were supposed to meet up to talk about some possibilities.

Me: Oh uhhh sounsd amazing, mind if I join?

Kuroiro: Why not, we are all in the same boat anyways.

It was kinda just an opportunity that I took here. Of course I didn't know why he was in the class. I just thought I should check if something interesting was going on and now I was invited over to a meeting where I don't even know what would happen. Though the outcome didn't matter since no one really thought that it was me. I could even joke about this fact. Whelp, I am sure Nezu wouldn't mind an honest joke because this was a joke on his very own bill. Who made me a villain after all?! Huh?! Who did that?

It was sure not me!

Though I would have done the same. I absolutely love my role soo much right now. Of course I wanted to stay where I was.

Me: So what is the meeting all about?

Kuroiro: Some tactical things we could pull up with class 1A, I mean your class and who the villain could be...

Me: Who says it is not me or you?

Kuroiro: Yo! I am not it I swear and you can't be it either so we are good.


Why does everyone think this way?

I mean why can't it be me?

We started walking around the school searching for them while I continued being stuck on the same questions over and over again. Why couldn't it be me? I mean, yeah no one knows my notebooks or what I was actually writing in them but that still didn't help with the random choices. I mean this could have been jsut a random vote! It could be me and it could be him and it could be all of us exept one hero. Who says this is not possible after all. The rules never stated anything about the sizes of a villain or hero group at all. 

Me: Then how do we find out who it is in your class?

Kuroiro: It's no one of us for sure.

Me: But why?

Kuroiro: You know how weird my class is. We all know each other that well... if it would be one of us we would know by default.

Me: True but no one says that they may not be great actors.

Kuroiro: True but still...

Me: I get what you say.

Kurorio: Hmmm... who you think it is?

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