>>Anger is like a Forest fire<<

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[Chapter 28]

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Bonnie POV

I sat down on my bed, staring down at my hands I didn't know what to do anymore, I don't think I'm ever going to get out, At least not for a long time.

Suddenly the door opened and a nurse walked in. "We don't normally do this since it's against the rules, but someone is on the phone asking to speak with you, They've called multiple times and we're getting tired of it, So hurry and come with me."

I stood from the bed and walked out with the nurse. I was extremely confused, Only an idiot would call at such a late hour.

"He keeps asking for you and won't stop calling, You've got five minutes." The nurse said, Leaving me alone in the room.

I picked up the phone and held my breath for a moment, "Hello?" I said.

"Hey.. It's Freddy."

I stopped, I felt tears well up in my eyes, and didn't speak.

"Look, I know you don't want anything to do with me right now, Especially after the incident, But Xavier is missing. The nightmares kidnapped him and Goldie cant reach him."

Suddenly, They began knocking on the door.

I quickly turned to face the wall as they opened the door.

"I think I know where he is, Go to the-"

I was interrupted by the nurse snatching the phone from me and hanging up.

"Your time is up, Take him back to his room."

"I-I wasn't even done, Do you have any idea what you just did!?" I exclaimed.

"I gave you five minutes, You should've used that to your advantage."

I grew furious, And shoved the nurse to the floor, quickly getting ontop of him. He has no clue what he just did, that phone call meant a lot to me, I haven't heard Freddy's voice in a while and he just hangs up the phone like that!?

I had my hands wrapped tightly around his neck until Security had to come and get me.

~Time skip~

"Bonnie, I understand why you're upset, But that was no reason to put your hands on a staff member."

"It was a perfectly good reason, and he had it coming. I was tired of his bullshit." I crossed my arms above my chest.

"You do realize that because of your behavior, Your stay here will be extended? You need help, and we are trying to give it to you-"

"Why does everyone think I need help!? If I wasn't around selfish, arrogant people like you guys, I wouldn't be here in the first place!" I began to raise my voice.

"Trust me, If we didn't think you needed help, You wouldn't be here." She wrote down some notes on her notebook but I only ripped it out of her hands.

"Disruptive behavior disorder, And bipolar disorder?" I read from the notes. "I don't have any disorders or issues. Let me go." I said.

"If you didn't have any issues, Then what happened last night? you attacked the nurse. We're not letting you go until we say it's safe to let you out.

"Safe? What are you trying to say, That I'm dangerous?" I stood up, Leaning over the table.

"Yes, you can endanger someone's life and even your own if we let you out right now."

"I don't give a shit, they wouldn't be 'endangered' if they didn't make me so fucking angry!" I shoved the things off of her desk.

"Security!" She yelled.

I almost had her, But again they dragged me out of there, Taking me to my room.

I groaned in annoyance as I threw things to the floor, My room was in shambles by the end of it.

I spent the rest of the day inside my room, They didn't let me out, They brought me my meals but I refused to eat them. I wanted to leave, But I knew that if I did, I would be sent back, It's like a never ending loop if I try to escape.

I've been trying my best to get Better, Though I can't help but get Angry at the smallest things. I guess its because I've spent so much time indoors?

I sighed, Pressing my knees up against my chest. I looked around at the mess I made and became upset again, but I didn't do anything. I've lived with this feeling my entire life, Even as a kid, But I never knew why or what it was.

I only knew that my parents didn't like it, So I never showed that I was upset, Or at least not around them.

Suddenly there was a knock, I hid my face in my arms and heard a pen clicking, followed with writing.

"Due to your behavior you're being moved to a different room. We can't have you making loud noises, There are people with trauma in here."

"So then let me out. If it's bothering so many people why not let me leave? God, It's that fucking Easy.. I don't know why you guys make it so damn complicated." I argued.

"I'm not the one who makes the decisions. But I'm sorry we have to keep you here longer, I get it can be annoying. But there is someone here to see you.. we called and we figured it would do you some good that you see them."

I looked up with a frown, "Who?"

"Says he's your partner." The nurse said. Putting their pen in their shirt pocket.


I stood up, I knew I didn't have a choice on whether or not I wanted to see him. If I didn't, He'd hurt Freddy and Alex.

I walked into the small room, Freddy was on the couch with glasses on as he looked at some papers, He shifted his gaze towards me and suddenly I became self conscious.

Oh my God, I probably look like shit, Do I smell bad? If I do, I don't wanna get close to him.. What do I do?

I looked at my clothes and began to fidget with my shirt as the nurse closed the door, leaving me and Freddy alone in silence.

But as I watched him stand up and walk towards me I couldn't help but cry. I felt so guilty for what I did, the mess I caused and yet he flew over here overnight.

"Hey, dont cry.. What's wrong?" He asked, Pulling me in for a hug.

I shook my head as I hid my face in his chest. "I'm sorry." I Mumbled.

He kissed the top of my head and began to rub circles on my back as I continued to apologize.

"Bonnie, You have nothing to be sorry for.. You didn't know." He made me look up at him as he wiped my tears away.

"Come, Sit down. I want to talk to you." He added.


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