81-A father's love

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"And not only that My Lord! They have managed to kidnap Rion and take him hostage!!"

Those words immediately light up my face.



Our plan was successful!!

"Caroline Vorsack is an important hostage to us now! She is the only way we can threaten The Duke!" The emperor says.

I hold Eric's arm and whisper into his ears, "Don't listen to these people...Listen to me Eric! We need Rion out of our way!"

Eric takes a look at me and looks back at them.

"Like I said no one will touch Caroline" he reiterates.

The Emperor fumes with anger as he cursed me, "You dirty wench stop seducing the Lord!"

To which I only smirk.

Even if you all make me the Villainess.

The leash to his neck is in my hands!

And that is why the Villainess won't lose today!


At the Vorsack's palace.

"Milord, here is the bastard that humiliated our young lady!!!" Two guards drag a tied and beaten up Rion in front of the Duke.

"Rion..." the Duke looks at him.

"When your father begged me to help him ascend the throne. I pitied him. He was a man who was lesser than his brothers in every way. He didn't have the support of any strong in-laws as well. He was pathetic and bound to be walked over by his strong and smart brothers. But why do you think I helped him out?"

Rion doesn't say a word.

"Because he would make a great puppet!" The Duke smirked.

"An emperor who couldn't wield the sword and lacked the brains, I thought that he would know better about not pissing the nobles of his kingdom. Because they could attack him anytime like the hyenas, preying on his flesh and blood!"

The Duke bends down and pulls Rion's head up by the hair to make him look at him.

"But Alas! I was wrong. But you know I thought that his son, had atleast recieved the brains of his cunning mother but I don't think so..." he grins.

"Today, Sefan, your father, will realise that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes!" Just on completing his sentence he slammed Rion's face hard on the ground."

Rion's face bled from being smashed on the ground, it wouldn't be surprising if he broke a bone or two.

"You will pay....for this..." He mutters.

The Duke grabs a fistful of his hair and lifts his head up from the ground, "Huh, What was that?? Say that again??"

"Eric...Arguens...That man will burn you all alive...You will definitely pay!!!" Rion screams into the Duke's face.

But to his surprise the Duke breaks into a loud laugh. And then without a warning, he slams his face into the ground once more.

Pressing his head down with one foot, he signals the nanny to light up his hookah.

"Listen carefully you son of a bitch, whether its Eric or you, I would smash both your skulls open for display before my daughter."

Rion tries to lift his head, but the Duke stomps over it, violently making him groan loudly in pain.

"Since you dared to humiliate my one and only Caroline, you shall pay the price with your life."

Rion stops groaning, he had finally passed out.

The Duke turns him over to look at his blooded face and lets out a smirk of satisfaction.

"But don't worry, I won't be killing you just yet", he says.

Then placing his hookah over Rion's mouth, he walks away from his blood-dyed body.

There was a dead silence in the main hall.

Because each of them knew thar their master had finally lost the little bit of sanity left in him.

One of the most feared men in the empire, the king of the underworld, who curbed the blood-thirsty beast inside of him for the sake of his daughter and his promise to his late wife...

That man had now finally lost control.

And their was not even a single person who could stop him.


Hello guys sorry for the delay. A lot was going on in my life lately🤕 My life had turned upside down in a very short time. I was down with dengue and had to get hospitalised. Due to which I had to take long leaves and almost lost my job. Also had a robbery at the airport very recently, the airport officials are still checking. All of this just pushed me into a very dark place and made me very stressed. I am my much better now and still have my job but still waiting to hear back from the airport.
To all my readers, who are going through a tough time, hope you find the strength to strive through. Life is tough, but so are you! It may be dark now, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. So please do not give up, yes it will be hard but we will strive through!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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